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那是被虐狂。That's masochism.

该死!这么多!他们是受虐狂么?。Hell! What a mass! Are they masochism?

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尝试和失败很有趣,但受虐可不有趣。Trying and failing is funny. Masochism is not.

你们看到其中一样,在受虐狂的层次。You see one of them at the level of masochism.

我同意受虐是一种习得行为吗?Do I agree that masochism is a learned behavior?

甚至有一种钉履用以自虐。There is even a Spiked Paduka used for masochism.

但是罗津教授有证据来论证这种良性受虐倾向。But he has evidence for what he calls benign masochism.

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我觉得跑马拉松要有以苦为乐的精神。I reckon you need to be into masochism to run marathons.

以这个意义来说,虐待狂仅仅是受虐狂的不被承认。In this sense, sadism is merely the disavowal of masochism.

疼痛与唤起相结合导致了受虐。The pain is associated with arousal resulting in patterned masochism.

这种生活让人联想到剥夺、受虐狂,还有负罪感和天谴。This speaks of deprivation and masochism , as well as guilt and judgement.

一位叫做鲍迈斯特心理学家写到受虐是一种习得的行为。A psychologist named Baumeister writes that masochism is a learned behavior.

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不过,性受虐狂的倾向中总是有一些施虐的成分。The tendency towards masochism is however always linked with elements of sadism.

这正是自恋狂和受虐狂正变得无法区分的众多原因之一。This is one of the many points at which narcissism becomes indistinguishable from masochism.

精神分析学家往往认为施虐狂和受虐狂都是由于儿时缺乏关爱造成的。Psychoanalysts tend to regard both sadism and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation.

自虐者通过给自身施加疼痛来获得满足或者性刺激。Masochism is for obtaining gratification or sexual arousal by having pain inflicted upon oneself.

分析结果表明正是伦敦身上存在的施虐狂倾向及受虐狂倾向导致了他最终的自毁。Analyses show that it is sadism and masochism in Jack London that result in his final self-destruction.

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想要理解王小波的小说,必须首先理解虐恋情结。To understand Wang's fiction, readers need to understand the relationship between sadism and masochism.

明智的国际经济政策是不会将施虐和受虐式的竞争作为处理争端的良方!Competition in masochism and sadism is hardly a prescription for sensible international economic policy!

我在上海买金庸小说才10个欧元,并在网上阅读1400页纯属找虐。My Jin Yong novel was about 10 Euro in Shanghai, and reading 1400 pages online is an exercise in masochism.