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自主的对立,就是“他律”。Heteronomy is the opposite of autonomy.

总经理坐在他律师的办公室里。The general manager sit inside in the office in heteronomy teacher.

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他律是班级管理的低级境界,自律是班级管理的高级境界。Self-disciplinary class management is superior to that of heteronomy.

本文阐述了网络的优缺点,对中学生成长过程中网络行为的自律与他律进行了分析。Analyzing self-discipline and heteronomy of network behavior during the growth of the middle school students.

最后指出,只有自律与他律二者有机的结合才能真正发挥二者的双重功效。At last points out that only combine them organically of self-discipline and heteronomy can play double effection.

新时期德育教育要融入现实生活,完善德育的他律环境,要勇于继承,敢于创新。The moral education should fit the life practice, improve the morality heteronomy environment, inherit and innovation.

社会道德教化与制度安排相结合、他律与自律相结合是两者整合的具体措施。The combination of moral cultivation and system design, autonomy and heteronomy is the concrete measure for their integration.

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我们从公职人员自律的角度出发,认为实现自律具有可行性,并可以通过主体积极主动以及他律两种方式来实现自律。It is also feasible for its realization in perspective of public employment by such two means as body's activity and heteronomy.

第三章从他律与自律两个方面对如何应对网络信息污染现象进行了探索。From the two aspects of heteronomy and self-control, Chapter Three studys how to deal with the network information pollution phenomena.

厘清文学体制中自律与他律的关系在当前的文学研究和文化研究中显得尤为紧迫和必要。In present literary and cultural study, it is urgent and necessary to explore the relation between the autonomy and heteronomy of literary system.

本文通过对道德评价的现实意义、道德评价是他律与自律的统一的阐发,来研究道德评价问题。The paper first analyses the practical significance of moral evaluations and holds that the moral evaluation is the unification of heteronomy and autonomy.

道德需要是人所独有的,是人的最本质的需要之一,是道德之由外在的他律转化为其内在的自律的依据。Moral need, which is unique to humanity, is indeed one of the fundamental human needs and the ground for the change from moral heteronomy to moral autonomy.

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而信用是一种制度,是一种人们在市场经济活动中形成的经济关系的客观反映,是他律。But the credit is one system, is one kind of people the economic relationships objective reflection which forms in the market economy activity, is the heteronomy.

音乐的自律与他律问题是音乐理论上极重要而又长期争论、悬久未决的问题。The debate between self discipline and heteronomy of music hasnt reached a conclusion so far, which is due to the incorrectly traditional thinking method of dualism.

领导干部廉洁奉公内驱力形成的核心是自律、他律、自律和他律的辩证统一。Leader cadre is clean-fingered act according to fair inside the core that drive force forms is self-discipline and self-discipline, heteronomy, heteronomy is adj and unified.

道德内化规律发生作用的过程是一个他律和自律、受动性和主动性有机统一的过程,并呈现出阶段性的特点。The action course of the moral-internalization law embodies the unity of heteronomy and autonomy, the unity of passivity and activity as well as experience a series of phases?

本文将针对这些原因提出自律机制与他律机制相结合的综合监督机制,以期重塑中国NPO的公信力。This article try to put forward a integrative supervisory mechanism which integrate self-discipline and heteronomy , in hope of reconstruction the Accountability of NPO in China.

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道德他律为主体提供道德行为模式和道德评价机制,道德自律则将外在的约束化为主体自身内在的道德需要与道德追求。Moral heteronomy provides moral action modes as well as moral evaluation mechanism, while moral autonomy changes extrinsic restraints into subjects′ intrinsic moral needs and pursuit.

通过这些评价方法,使教师道德由“他律”内化为“自律”,到达构建和谐教育的最终目标。Through these assessment method, causes the teacher morals to internalize by "the heteronomy" is "the autonomy", arrives at the construction harmonious education the ultimate objective.

全文紧扣寻求“自律”论与“他律”论的结合这条主线,又始终不离迪尼亚诺夫文学史观与巴赫金文学史观之关系的分析。This thesis takes the combination of "the autonomy" theory and "the heteronomy" theory as its main thread with due attention to the analysis of the literature history viewpoint of Russia Formalism.