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但是有点吹毛求疵了。But it is churlish to carp.

提出更多的要求就会失礼了。To ask more would be churlish.

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拒绝这样大方的倡议不免有些失仪。It seems churlish to refuse such a generous offer.

但探索你的疑虑,你既不悲观也不暴躁。But, in exploring your misgiving, you are neither being pessimistic nor churlish.

因此,每年都批评这些次要的令人感到侮辱的苦涩的义务职责似乎看起来很不尽人意。So it might seem churlish to pick on the minor annual indignity of obligation chocolate.

“把你的剑装回剑鞘吧,”无礼的郡治安官说,“否则很快很快就会有一个粗野的农奴将你碎尸万段。”"Sheath thy sword" the surly sheriff said "or surely shall a churlish serf soon shatter thee. "

在任何情况下,这将是对现实弊端的强有力回击,特别是目前充满兴奋和乐观泛滥的国家。In any case, it would be churlish to fight the tide of excitement and optimism currently flooding the nation.

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也许去批评那些一心想做点好事的人是很无礼的,但是许多慈善团体表现地似乎一点责任感都没有。Churlish as it may be to criticise those who set out to2 do good, many charities behave as if they were unaccountable.

我还觉得如果你那已成年的孩子已经和对方在一起有一段时间了,把他们当成随便的伴侣反而有点无礼。I also think if your adult children have been co-habiting for some while, it's rather churlish to treat them as casual partners.

不尝尝这里的海鲜是说不过去的,我们在圣安德鲁斯品位高尚的罗思萌旅馆里吃的海鲜,味道鲜美无比。It would have been churlish not to do so, and we dined in high style at the Rossmount Inn in St Andrews. Seafood was never so sublime.

Spier的社论说“危急的情况需要危急的手段”,他还说拒绝“大量的数据”是“无礼的”。Spier's editorial said "desperate situations call for desperate measures" and said it would be "churlish" to push aside "a mass of data".

当然,虽然只有那些无礼的人们才会去公然做记录,可即便是慷慨大方之人当在关系中的一方出现索取、索取而不做出任何回的时候,也一样会感到不舒服。Only the churlish keep score overtly, of course, but even generous people get uneasy when one party in a relationship takes and takes and takes without giving anything in return.