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我是一个社会主义者。I’m a socialist.

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他成了社会主义者。He has gone socialist.

社会主义的花,是你们呀。a socialist flower, is your ah.

人们反沿灭社会从义道路前进。We are advancing along the socialist road.

贾丁教授是坚定的社会主义者。Professor Jardine is a committed socialist.

国家保护社会主义的公共财产。The state protects socialist public property.

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一是建设社会主义新农村。First, we must build a new socialist countryside.

社会党候选人不断受到诘问。The Socialist candidate was heckled continuously.

但是,在别的方面,他是一个非常社会主义的国家。Yet in other ways it is a very socialist country.

一九二三年加入中国社会主义青年团。In 1923 joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League.

罗斯福因此被称作是比社会主义者还“恶劣”的人。F.D.R. was called a lot worse names than socialist.

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置身于金融危机之中,当一名社会主义者也是福气一种。BLISS is it in a financial crisis to be a socialist.

从计划经济到社会主义市场经济。From a planned economy to a socialist market economy.

扎实推进社会主义新农村建设Promoting the building of a new socialist countryside

社会主义革命必定发生在某一地方。Socialist revolutions must of course start somewhere.

论文的第二部分回顾了社会主义思想的历史。Chapter two retraces the history of socialist thoughts.

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社会主义市场经济应运崛起。This situation gave rise to a socialist market economy.

陈望道是中国现代杰出思想家、育家。Chen Wangdao was one of the socialist pioneers of China.

这件事使社会党领导人烦恼诘难。This matter pinpricked and heckled the socialist leaders.