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和她共度时光。Spend time with her.

花点时间回归自然。Spend time in nature.

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为什么我要花时间在这里?Why would I spend time?

不要花钱超过你赚的。Spend less than you earn.

他可以花后。He can spend upon charity.

舍得花钱去筹到更多的资金。Spend money to raise mone.

你应经去度过假了吗?You should spend to go by.

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你如何消磨你的时间呢?How do you spend your time?

我有许多钱可花。I have much money to spend.

我非花许多钱不可。I have to spend much money.

我说,“我在这儿消磨了许多光阴。”I spend a lot of time here.

言下之意是,你们不要把钱花光呀。Other, do not spend all ah.

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为一个固定搭配,意为“花时间干某事”。C. spend some time doing sth.

我的钱还没有全花完。I didn't spend all the money.

我花很长的时间坐着I spend a lot of time sitting

不可避免要花时间。Necessary to spend nany time.

在海边呆一段时间。Spend some time at sea-level.

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你会花钱买保险。You spend money on insurance.

你会不顾一切地花费更多。You’ll spend more recklessly.

风中之烛点的快。Candles spend fast in draught.