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目的探讨军人花粉症治疗的有效方法。Objective To discuss the effective means to the therapy of servicemans pollinosis.

花粉症是近年来严重威胁人们身体健康的一类过敏性疾病。Pollinosis is one of the allergic diseases which threatens the people's health heavily.

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花粉症是近年来严重困扰人们生活的一类过敏症状。Pollinosis is one kind of the allergic diseases which is threatening the people's health.

目的探讨美能注射液治疗花粉症疗效。Objective To discuss the therapeutic effect of compound glycyrrhizin injection on pollinosis.

目的探讨夏秋季花粉症患者变应性鼻炎发展至变应性哮喘的进程。Objective To investigate the natural course from rhinitis to asthma in the patients with autumnal pollinosis.

空气花粉污染引起的疾病称为花粉症,即花粉过敏性反应。When allergenic pollen in the air increases to some certain, it may initiate the response in susceptible humans, Pollinosis.

结论美能注射液治疗花粉症疗效显著,无明显副作用。Conclusion Compound glycyrrhizin injection is clearly effective on the treatment of pollinosis without obvious adverse reaction.

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孢粉是一种重要的空气致敏原,可引起不同程度的花粉症,严重困扰人们的日常生活。Spores are one kind of airborne allergen which can bring about pollinosis at different levels and disturb the people's daily lives.

虽然用花粉浓度的高低不能精确地表示发病率的高低,但基本可以表征花粉症的发病趋势。Although the pollen concentration does not accurately describe the change of incidence of pollinosis , it can indicate evolution trend.

目的调查重庆市南郊空气中气传花粉的种属和飘散规律及与花粉症的相关性。Objective To investigate the species of the airborne pollens, their diffusion rules and correlation with pollinosis in Southern suburban area of Chonqing city.

随着城市化步伐的加快,越来越多的研究显示花粉症在发达城市地区的发病率高于不发达的农村地区。With the development of urbanization, there is a body of evidence demonstrating that pollinosis is much more prevalent in developed urban area than in undeveloped rural area.