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过去的半个世纪内,美国一直是世界的面包篮子。The United States has been the world’s breadbasket for more than half a century.

既然美国的面包篮子并没有变暖,美国种谷物的农民已经很幸运了。And since America's breadbasket has not warmed, American grain farmers have been fortunate.

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的确,一度是罗马帝国的粮仓的埃及却不能自给自足。It is true that Egypt, once the breadbasket of the Roman empire, has been unable to feed itself.

此次受旱灾影响的主要是中国中、东部地区,这里是中国的主要产粮区,也是冬小麦的主产区。The affected area is primarily in central and eastern China, covering the country's breadbasket where much of the winter wheat crop is raised.

雅利安基本上是粮食产区和工业中心,从而为5个岛屿提供大部分的农产品和工业机械。The Aryans were essentially the breadbasket and industrial centers and thus provided the 5 islands with the bulk of produce and industrial machinery.

作为中国粮仓的中部省份,今年出现了部分谷物产量减半、捕鱼量锐减和航道干涸的问题。The nation's breadbasket central provinces this year have seen some grain harvests cut in half, fishing hauls shrink and riverboat shipping lanes dry up.

菜篮子的打击对孔俊英那样的人们意味着“举筷吃肉,放筷骂娘”。That kind of blow to the breadbasket means people like Kong are "raising their chopsticks to eat, but laying them down to grumble," as the Chinese saying goes.

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叙利亚幼发拉底河河畔城镇拉卡北边和东边的农地,一度是该地区的粮仓,有大片金黄色小麦和羊群。Ar raqqah syria the farmlands spreading north and east of this euphrates river town were once the breadbasket of the region a vast expanse of golden wheat and sheep.

中国谷物生产省份,就是上述粮农组织预警的那几个冬小麦主产区,自从10月以来遭受着降水少之痛。China's breadbasket provinces have suffered low rainfalls since October, which the FAO said primarily puts at potential risk the winter wheat crop to be harvested in June.

本周四,中国数个产粮大省干旱多时的冬天终于迎来零星降雪,从政策制定者到各地打雪仗的孩子们对此都兴奋不已。China's long dry winter was broken by scatted snowfall across several breadbasket provinces on thursday-much to the joy of policymakers as well as snowball-throwing children every where.

看来这话表达了在学问的空面包篮后面大家的普遍看法,我自己却不信这话,我不信这伙王八蛋企图硬往我们肚子里塞的一切鬼话。That seems to be the general feeling underlying the empty breadbasket of learning. Myself, I don't believe it. I don't believe a fucking thing these bastards try to shove down our throats.