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在卵受精后第1天和第4天分别到达囊胚期和原肠期。Blastula and gastrulae arrived 1 and 4 d after fertilization.

试验选择体内受精生产的发育级别为A级和B级的桑椹胚,使用玻璃切割针进行切割。In the experiment, 30 A- and B- grade morula and blastula were selected for sexing.

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卵裂产生一个囊胚,形成的细胞壁球形排列形成一个空腔。Cleavage produces a blastula , a sheet of cells rounded into a sphere that in most species surrounds a cavity.

短时间滞留不会引起着床前胚胎死亡,但却使原核胚发育到囊胚能力显著下降。Short time delay don't result in preimplantation embryos death, but impacted blastula rate of pronucleus embryos.

在原肠胚形成过程中,囊胚重新排列,形成包括内层,中层,外层的三围组织。The rearrangement of the blastula into a three-dimensional organism with inner, middle, and outer layers occurs during gastrulation.

单细胞CGH在囊胚活检上取得的成功,预示了其在植入前遗传学筛查中的应用前景。The successful application in blastula biopsy of our single-cell CGH demonstrate application prospects of this new technology in clinical PGS.

卵裂,卵割由一组有丝分裂细胞从受精卵中生成的囊胚,是复杂有机体中多细胞的主要成分。The series of mitotic cell divisions that produces a blastula from a fertilized ovum. It is the basis of the multicellularity of complex organisms.

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应用YAG倍频激光器对中华大蟾蜍受精卵、四细胞期胚胎、囊胚期胚胎分别进行照射。Applying YAG double-frequency laser microbeam respectively irradiated fertilized eggs, 4-cell-stage, blastula stage embryos of Bufo bufo gargarizans.

实验结果表明,原肠期前的发育卵和初孵仔鱼对赤潮异弯藻较其他发育阶段更为敏感。The results indicated that the fertilized eggs in blastula stage and yolk-sac larva of Paralichthys olivaceus were more sensitive to algal toxin than those in other development stages.

将金鱼囊胚期的细胞分离后,保存于-196℃液氮中,并对保存后化冻的细胞用细胞核移植的方法检测了其细胞核发育的能力。Individual blastomeres of gold fish were isolated at blastula stage and preserved in liquid nitrogen at -196℃ with the additives of DMSO and collagen in the medium for cryogenic storage.

在鳙鱼胚胎发育的几个早期阶段,作者观察到在胚盘、分裂球和囊胚层细胞与卵黄这种重要物质之间有某种有机联系。The authors have observed that the blastoderm, the blastomeres and the blastula cells have intimate relation with the yolk which plays a very important part in the development of the embryo.