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这是阳痿的隐喻。It's an impotence metaphor.

□阳痿的可能性增加。Increases likelihood of impotence

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你认为是哪一种性无能?What kind of impotence do you think it is?

你可以谴责商业文化的无能。You can blame the impotence of commercial culture.

这会令问题恶化并导致阳痿。This can compound the problem and lead to impotence.

我将有失禁或阳萎的问题吗?Will I have problems with incontinence or impotence?

这是智力上软弱无能的可悲表现。This is a pitiable display of intellectual impotence.

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在巴勒斯坦被占领的那一刻这种无能无力就开始存在了。In this impotence lies the point of the Palestinian occupation.

CDRH说,这个步骤在大多数情况下使患者避免得性无能。This procedure, says the CDRH, in most cases, avoids sexual impotence.

如果你对统计数据感到崩溃的话,不妨看看其数据不举症的治愈之道。Feeling stressed out by statistics? He has the cure for data impotence.

并且治疗会导致阳痿和尿失禁。And it can lead to treatments that can cause impotence and incontinence.

她结识了风流倜傥的齐克和性无能的纪实作家杰克。She met Zeke suave romantic and sexual impotence documentary writer Jack.

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讨论婚姻不可能避开性无能和通奸这样的题目。Discussions of marriage cannot avoid topics such as impotence and adultery.

目的探讨血管性阳萎客观有效的诊断方法。Objective To explore the effective diagnostic methods of vascular impotence.

伊拉克和阿富汗正是没有合法授权下动武的教训。Iraq and Afghanistan were lessons in the impotence of force without legitimacy.

最终,国民冷嘲热讽他无能,他才被迫迅速采取行动。Finally, lampooned by his countrymen for his impotence , he was spurred into action.

而这样的治疗有一些严重的副作用,包括性无能和不能节制。And treatment has serious side effects, including, often, impotence and incontinence.

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目的研究静脉漏性阳萎海绵体造影诊断价值。Objective To study the diagnostic value of cavernosography in the venous leakage impotence.

它让我们了解自己的贫乏,一无所有、一无所能,里面毫无良善可言。It leads us to know our absolute and entire impotence as unable of ourselves to do any good.

诚然,温肾壮阳药不失为治疗肾阳虚阳痿的对症良药。Admittedly, the temperature is regarded as the treatment of renal aphrodisiac Yang impotence.