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一个值班人员。An operator on duty.

我是一名电脑录入员。I'm a keyboard operator.

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我是一个电脑录入员。I am a keyboard operator.

这就是等于号。This is the equality operator.

经营人破产的?。The bankruptcy of the operator.

接线员给詹森打电话。Operator makes a call to Janson.

这是地址操作符。That is the address of operator.

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他拨号给了电话总机.He dialed the telephone operator.

作业员是否严格遵循WI?。Is the operator following the WI?

是“定位“符。The * is the "go there" operator.

报务员说的一点不错。The telegraph operator was right.

计算机操作员能招调吗?。Computer operator to move tune it?

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我的女儿是电脑录入员。My daughter is a computer operator.

莱尔附在操作员的耳边说。Lyell ears attached to said operator.

话务员给我们接通了电话。Thee telephone operator connected us.

好,我替你接电信局国际台。OK, I'll get you an overseas operator.

“结束了,”她告诉911接线员。"It's over, " she told the 911 operator.

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我们介绍过这个▽算子。Remember we introduced the dell operator.

不严格地说,一种数学或逻辑运算符。Loosely, a mathematical or logic operator.

首次建立超微粒子费密算符理论。The theory of Fermi operator is developed.