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我在乌托邦的书里没有找到现成模式的指导思想。I had no convenient cicerone in the pattern of the Utopian books.

导游带我们去了很多地方购物,我们没有协议。The cicerone took us to a lot of shopping places without our agreement.

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这是王玲写申请贵公司导游的空缺。This is Wang Ling writing to apply for the vacancy of cicerone in your company.

上大学的时候在大连的几天旅行社做兼职网络维护和导游员。I worked in JiTian Travel Agency as a member of network maintenance and cicerone as a part-time job.

导游员在旅游活动中是审美信息的传递者和审美活动的调节者。The cicerone is the depicter of the aesthetic information and the coordinator of aesthetic activities.

听到车子发动的声音,旅客们又鱼贯而入了。Hearing the sound of the engine, passengers file in the bus. And the cicerone does the nose-count again.

本文介绍了笔者对设计与开发虚拟导游应用可视化创作工具所作的考虑。In this paper considerations on the design and implementation of an authoring tool dedicated for virtual cicerone applications are introduced.

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导游语言要获得最佳的表达效果,不仅需要活泼生动的外在形式,同时还要传递信息、交流情感。Cicerone language is vivid and lively in its form, which not only conveys information but also exchanges emotion in the process of communication.

我国中等职业学校开设的旅游专业把旅游地理作为专业基础课,尤其是导游专业。Chinese middling vocational school set up tourism specialty, which regards geography of tourism as a basic course, especially majoring in cicerone.

导游人员素质和服务水平的高低直接影响着我国旅游企业的形象,影响着我国旅游市场的进一步开发和拓展。The quality and service level of cicerone team directly affect the image of our country's tourism industry, and further development of our country's tourism market.

改善和提高导游人员的服务质量与水平需要政府、行业和旅游企业共同努力,建立一个符合市场规律的管理体系。Improving the service level and quality of cicerone team needs joint efforts from government, industry, consensus and tourism enterprises to establish a management system according to market laws.