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我们决定了在夏天结婚。We have decided on summer wadding.

别臭我了,我们…都挪了一整天了。Give me a break , we've wadding all day.

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一个大框进行填料及景隆球。A large box carried wadding and cannon balls.

文件可以通过网线传送。The files can come wadding down the network cable.

如果填料跌出耳朵里,它不能被取代。If the wadding fell out of the ear, it could not be replaced.

将硬纸板放进鞋底下片和填充棉之间。Slide the cardboard inside, between the lower sole and the wadding.

四地的音乐文化状况在此得到清晰地理絮。The music culture states of four places get the clear geographical wadding here.

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我拿掉了试管口的棉花塞,把金色小鸟倒在我的掌心。I remove the cotton wadding from the mouth of a tube and shake a gold finch onto my palm.

被冬天枷锁了的灵魂,和被束掩的棉花一样舒展开来。Spirits cabined and confined by winter expanded like matted cotton wadding fluffed out again.

利用纸模板,在填充棉上剪出两个鞋底和两片鞋面。Using the paper patterns, cut two pieces of the sole and two pieces of the upper out of the wadding.

本系列床垫采用高级华丽织绵床布,透气功能良好。This series mattress uses the senior magnificently to weave the wadding bed sheet, the ventilation function is good.

她愿意与银娇奶奶一起在小河边上乘凉,愿意与银娇奶奶一起在屋檐下晒太阳,愿意听银娇奶奶絮絮叨叨地说话。With Granny Yinjiao, she liked enjoying the cool by the riverside, basking in the sun under the eave, listening to her wadding.

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分析认为,采用ES纤维与兔毛纤维混合加工热熔絮片是可行的。By analyses, the writer thinks it is possible that producing the heat-bonded wadding used comprised material of rabbit hair and ES fiber.

将一定量的细羊毛纤维加入鸭绒絮料中能够改善其吸湿性,但对透湿性有一定影响。Adding some fine wool fibers into the duck wadding can enhance its moisture absorption, but would affect its moisture-penetrability to some extent.

本文论述了功能性非织造材料在服装内衬、防护服、休闲服、保暖材料等领域的应用及其发展趋势。In this thesis , the author argued the application of functional nonwovens in the interlining, protective garments, normal garments and the wadding etc.

本文根据实践摸索,对喷胶棉的厚度和均匀度进行了探究,并对改善上述性能提出了相应的改进措施。This paper has a anahysis and research on spraying-bonded wadding thickness and evenness , and puts forward suitable improvement on above-mentioned performances.

除品目48.03另有规定的以外,上述品目不适用于经过其他方法加工的纸、纸板、纤维素絮纸或纤维素纤维网纸。Except where heading 48.03 otherwise requires, these headings do not apply to paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres which have been otherwise processed.

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结果表明,经纳米材料整理的喷胶棉对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和白色念珠菌有很高的抑制作用。The experimental result shows that the finished nano-meter spraying-bonded wadding has a better prevent effect to the enterobacter hafnia, staphylococcus aureus and candida albicans.

结论用凝血酶敷贴出血点及创面烧伤膏换药是治疗血液病鼻衄一种安全、有效的方法。Conclusion The authors believed that wadding petechias with gelfoam soaked by thromboplastinase and dressing with burn ointment tele is a safe, valid treatment of epistaxis with blood disease.

2010年被国家质检总局批准授权为国家絮用纤维制品质量监督检验中心,承担全国范围内絮用纤维制品监督检验。In 2010, National Quality Supervision and Testing Center of Wadding Fiber Products is approved and authorized by AQSIQ that conducts the supervision and inspection of wadding fiber products in China.