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我喜欢戏剧片。I like dramatic films.

一个具有戏剧性的大话?A dramatic over-statement?

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两地房地产都曾经历鼎盛时期They both had dramatic booms.

当然你不会突然猝死。You don't die in some dramatic way.

戏剧山顶,海边就餐。Dramatic hilltop and oceanside dining.

他也发明了戏剧三部曲。He also invented the dramatic trilogy.

这个戏剧性的梦启发了他很多。The dramatic dream inspired him a lot.

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这就是众所周知的滚雪球效应。The snowballing effect can be dramatic.


他们还为新的戏剧场景编管弦乐曲。And they orchestrated dramatic new scenes.

在戏剧技巧方面他可以说是莎翁再世。He is a Shakespeare in his dramatic skill.

碘化物的疗效一般是明显的。The response to iodides is usually dramatic.

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发行量出现了巨幅下滑。There’s been a dramatic drop in circulation.

在战争故事中,他不会错过一场悲壮的战斗。He won't miss a dramatic beat in a war story.

这说明黑人民主党人大大转变立场。The shift among black Democrats was dramatic.

那导致了巴厘岛上最剧烈的冲突。That produced the most dramatic clash in Bali.

如此戏剧性的转变令人毛骨悚然。The transformation is so dramatic it is eerie.

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她决定参加地方戏剧社。She decided to join the local dramatic society.

该杂志被查获,戏剧性的美国的袭击。The journal was seized in the dramatic US raid.

“我们发现数量在急剧增长,”布鲁特说。"We've seen a dramatic increase, " Bluett says.