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请输入英文药品名称或专论名称。Search by Drug name, Monograph name.

的高度评价,并为该专著作序。He also wrote preface for the monograph.

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该文件被称为“音频著作”。The document is known as an "audio monograph."

关于本主题的一个专论即将推出。A monograph on the subject might be forthcoming.

没有任何一个OTD专著包括布洛芬。Ibuprofen is not included in any OTD drug monograph.

这是我国出版的第—本电教专著。It is the first Audio-visual monograph China published.

这是李小龙死亡前唯一的个人专着。It is Bruce Lee's an only personal monograph before death.

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这是现存最早的专着和饮食治疗。It is the extant and earliest monograph on dietetic treatment.

这本专著是一本较高深的普及读物。This monograph belongs to the category of serious popular books.

更多信息,可参看有关可乐定的专题。For more information, please see the drug monograph on Clonidine.

完整的音频专着是罗格斯大学法律评论“网站上。The complete audio monograph is on the Rutgers Law Review website.

这是一本看似自助的其实是一部关于21世纪城市化的著作。It's a monograph 21-century urbanity disguised as a self-help book.

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干洗是评价在第一和最广泛的专着。Dry cleaning is evaluated in the first and most extensive monograph.

教授帮助我在美国出版我所有文章和书。Prof. Santilli helped to publish all my papers and monograph in the USA.

这是我读了一本细节治理专著之后的第一反应。This is the first reaction after I read monograph of a detail management.

这个专题著作是煤和生物量气化技术的一本入门。This monograph is a primer to coal and biomass gasification technologies.

任何另外的专论的内容必须遵守其使用周期。The subject of any other monograph must comply throughout its period of use.

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会议评选优秀论文并推荐给相关学术杂志。Excellence papers in the symposium will be chosen for related science journals monograph.

同时作品选的出版发行促进了论文和专著的繁荣。Simultaneously the work elects the publication promoted the paper and monograph prosperous.

进一步深化了公开选拔制度的理论分析。This monograph further deepens the theoretical analysis of the public cadre selection system.