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调整后的新能源法将为提高或降低补偿下降率的调节设置更多的门槛。The altered EEG contains more threshold values for higher or lower degression.

同时观察水生植物和鱼类的死亡等影响因素。To observe mosquito larva density degression rate, both hydrophytes and fishes death rate.

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水驱递减法、归一化法比较适合短期开发指标的预测。The output degression curve method and normalization method are more suitable for short-run forecast.

血气分析氧分压降低有助于非典型肺炎的发现与重症病例的确定。Degression of the oxygen pressure in vigour analysis should help to find SARS cases or define serious cases.

景观破碎化是生物多样性下降的最主要的原因之一。Landscape fragmentation is one of the major reasons which lead to the drastic degression or loss of biodiversity over the world.

除氧器系统是核电站二回路的重要组成部分,它的控制性能的下降将直接导致给水品质恶化、流量波动,严重时会危及系统安全。The degression of its control performance will cause the deterioration of the feedwater, in the worst case, will endanger the whole system.

减轻术后出现的疼痛、疲乏不舒适、食欲下降等问题,特别是在健康教育的指导下效果更显著。The questions of soreness, lassitude, and appetite degression after operation were relieved. The effective was better under the directions of healthy education.

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甲状腺功能减退可造成一系列脑发育和功能的障碍,包括细胞增殖分化的延迟和学习记忆功能的下降。Hypothyroidism can result in a series of disorders in development and function of brain, including delaying the generation and differentiation of cell, degression of learning and memory.

水相圈闭损害主要表现在两个方面,内部表现为可动气量的减少和气相渗透率的下降,外部表现为产气量的下降和气藏采收率的降低。Aqueous trapping display in two aspects, one is the reduction of mobile gas and the degression of gas permeability, the other is the decline of gas production rate and the decrease of gas recovery.

在测量前356个样品时仪器的燃烧转化率几乎不变,测量接下来的127个样品时燃烧转化率逐渐递减,而最后65个样品的燃烧转化率保持在另一个显著降低的水平。The CTC displays little variation during a period of first 356 runs, followed by the degression of CTC for the subsequent 127 samples and the ensuing relatively lower level of CTC for next 65 runs.

研究结果表明,低渗岩心渗透率、孔隙度及压缩系数对有效应力变化较为敏感,随着有效应力的增大呈指数递减。The testing results show that the core porosity, permeability, compressibility of low-permeability core are sensitive to confined pressure, and there are exponential degression relation among them.

农家收入递减的原因主要在于农村以种植业为主,副业和劳务收入微不足道的收入来源结构。The degression of household incomes was caused mostly by the configuration of sources of incomes that was given priority to planting, but incomes from nonagricultural occupantions were inappreciable.

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边坡安全系数随预应力损失和各种形式的锚索失效呈加速下降的趋势,对锚固失效后边坡的综合处治宜早不宜迟。Slope safety factor accelerates its degression with prestressing force loss and multiform anchor invalidation. The reconstructing should start soon after the slope was weakened by anchor invalidation.