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我强烈推荐这本书!I highly recommend it!

我强烈推荐它。I highly recommend it.

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我本人非常喜欢后者。I highly favor the latter.

这是高度机密的。Itwas highly confidential.

你们把他捧得太高了。You praise him too highly.

这是高度机密的。It was highly confidential.

他这位诗人受到很高的评价。He is highly rated as a poet.

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水是由氧和氢组成。Hydrogen is highly explosive.

我极力推荐那些演讲。I recommend them very highly.

学生们很看得起他。Students think highly of him.

可敬的平底船船夫!Highly respectable gondoliers!

我极力推荐此地。I highly recommend this place.

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他是个很有天赋的作曲家。He is a highly gifted composer.

我曾大力推荐她要这个。I highly recommended it to her.

高攀很冒险!Reach high is highly dangerous!

赛璐珞是极易着火的。Celluloid is highly combustible.

我们非常重视贵社所提出的建议。We value your suggestion highly.

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外国人是不会看得起你的。Foreigners are not highly of you.

他是一个十分称职的教师。He is a highly competent teacher.

他的画是非常畅销的。His paintings are highly salable.