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我回到丁我的矮凳上。I returned to my stool.

我终于听出来,他要说的是他们的学校缺少长椅和矮凳的问题。I gathered that their school was short of benches and stools.

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比如可以在桌子底下放盒子或矮凳。Do this by keeping a box or stool under your desk, for example.

她的头刚好与厨房的矮凳齐高,目光正对着鲳鱼已经没有焦距的瞳孔。Head barely as high as the low kitchen bench, Lizzie's own gaze met the fish's sightless one.

温州金庄饭店坐落于温州矮凳桥路23号,临近江滨中路、黎明中路。Jin Zhuang Hotel is located in Wenzhou, Wenzhou, low stool bridge 23, near Riverside Road, Liming Rd.

没等这位小演说家说完我就打断了他,答应为他们筹措必要数量的长椅和矮凳。I interrupted the young orator before he had done, promising to arrange for the necessary number of benches and stools.

街边茶馆里包着头巾的人们坐在矮凳上,谈论着加奶的甜茶和辛辣的方头雪茄烟。In the roadside teashops men in longyis sit on low stools. They talk over sweet milky tea and acrid cheroot cigarettes.

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高背椅能变做低位椅,高脚凳能变为矮凳,摇椅能变成带扶手的躺椅,而这些变化都能在几秒内完成。The chairs go from a high-back to a low seat, a stool to a deep seat chair, and the rocker can change into a lounge chair with arm rest in a few seconds.

这位银行家和露西被领到他家的阁楼上,在那儿,一个形容枯槁,满头白发的男人坐在一张矮凳上做鞋,这是一个身心受到极度摧残,对周围事物已完全失去记忆的人。The banker and lucie were taken to an attic where a haggard white-haired man sat on a low bench making shoes a wreck of a man oblivious of all around him.

那人把钱包塞回衣袋里,取下行囊,放在门边的地上,手里仍拿着木棍,去坐在火旁边的一张矮凳上。The man put his purse back in his pocket, removed his knapsack from his back, put it on the ground near the door, retained his stick in his hand, and seated himself on a low stool close to the fire.