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那位雍容华贵的妇人给他留下了深刻的印象。The regal lady had made a deep impression on him.

伊丽莎白·泰勒的爱犬戴西从主人身上“遗传”了雍容华贵的气质。Actress Elizabeth Taylor with her pet Maltese dog, Daisy.

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她是一位颀长的金发妇人,长得苗条,美丽、雍容华贵。She was a tall, blond woman, slender, and stately, and beautiful.

有着欢快明朗的造型,似雍容华贵的宫殿圆舞曲。Merry and clear shape likes a radiant and graceful waltz in royal palace.

其产品雍容华贵、金壁辉煌,大气婉约,深受消费者的喜欢。Its product is of elegant, brilliant, graceful. It is deep enjoyed by consumer.

古柏下有一簇蓬勃的牡丹,雍容华贵、奇香袭人。There is a booming peony under the cypress with majestic form and strange scent.

贾巴钟爱的“凯坦纳号”是雍容华贵和粗俗堕落的古怪结合体。Jabba's beloved Khetanna was an odd mixture of opulent splendor and crude depravity.

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这座位于加州北部的城市有着雍容华贵的外表和令人心旷神怡的感染力。California's northern city has gorgeous good looks and an infectiously laid back vibe.

一个奢华的客厅,紫水晶色的地毯和靠枕、金色的点缀都让这里显得雍容华贵。An amethyst-hued rug and pillows and gold accents add rich colour and glamour to this space.

步入红山饭店,您将融入雍容华贵、精致典雅的氛围。Entering Tibet Hongshan Hotel, you will find yourself in an elegant and graceful atmosphere.

狭尖形侧钻的钻戒配衬大胆的祖母绿切割主钻,雍容华贵。Tapered diamond baguettes frame the bold emerald-cut center stone, making a noble statement.

不仅富有丰润醇厚的内蕴,同时更兼具雍容华贵的外表是皇家礼炮始终不移的追求。Royal Salute is not only full and sumptuous on the inside, but also boasts a luxurious exterior.

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不晓得是否是灯光的衬托,但盈秀在这张照片中显得特别雍容华贵,有一种超机成熟的韵味。I wonder if it was the lighting, but this photograph gave Ying Xiu a very demure and elegant look.

她雍容华贵,国色天香,自古被尊为花中之王,有富贵花之称。She elegant and poised since ancient times, the title of king of flowers, a flower known as wealth.

以中国国花牡丹为背景的华樽餐厅,袭承了牡丹的端丽妩媚、雍容华贵。China Flower, having the national flower, peony in the background, models after its beauty and luxury.

能凭自己的内在气质令人倾心,一贯得体的服饰、雍容华贵的气质。Can make one depending on own intrinsic makings adore, consistent appropriate clothing, elegant makings.

她长得天姿国色,一头金发,脸蛋儿完美绝伦,衣着也雍容华贵。She was too nice-looking. Her hair was too golden, her face was too perfect, her clothes were too expensive.

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仅有一张光滑的皮质沙发是不够的,还要加上雍容华贵的喀什米尔羊毛的触感以及上等的丝绸和缎枕。Instead of just a sleek leather sofa, there are luxury touches of a cashmere throw and silk and satin pillows.

眼前这座宫殿般的房间如此雍容华贵,异国情调如此浓郁,竟然还与我有着某种联系,我的自豪感油然而生。It was lush and exotic and suddenly the pride of being associated with this palace worked its way inside of me.

枕头皇帝用的枕头,以金丝为面,上等软玉镶框,雍容华贵,乃称“玉枕”。King pillow with a pillow, with gold as the surface, high-quality nephrite framed, elegant, is called "jade pillow."