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于是在1981年受洗归入主名下。He was baptized in the year 1981.

会不会有新的行业入主吴起,会不会有更多的店铺开张?Would new industries come and stores open?

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您办一下入主手续就可以了。You just need to go through check-in procedures.

安妮·海瑟薇和詹姆斯·弗兰科将入主奥斯卡!James Franco and Anne Hathaway are headed for the Oscars.

在其入主比亚迪之后一年的时间内,比亚迪的股票价格涨了9倍。Within a year the price of BYD's shares had risen ninefold.

很多慕道者受洗归入主名下,神的名因此得著荣耀。Many new members were baptized. The name of God was glorified.

因此,麦凯恩先生要入主白宫还有很长的路要走。So Mr McCain is still no more than half-way to the White House.

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然而,长期以来的贫穷和失败影响了尤利塞斯.格兰特,贫穷和失败使他对自己的判断和能力缺乏信心,这种感觉在他入主白宫时表现了出来。Still, the years of poverty and failure affected Ulysses Grant.

共和党以53-47的多数优势入主参议院。The Republicans came to power in the Senate with a 53-47 majority.

我们看看今天谁在白宫里面,奥巴马总统入主白宫,跟马歇尔的工作不无关系。I think we can trace the presence of President Obama to Marshall’s work.

程式载入主记忆体内,它必须占有连续地址的记忆体。Each program had to occupy a single contiguous block of storage locations.

命运不济的泰坦尼克号让一位模型设计师入主了世界纪录大全。The ill-fated Titanic has helped a model-maker sail into the record books.

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元代蒙古族入主中原,曾在中原地区汉族之中推行这种婚俗。In Yuan Dynasty, Mongolia carried out it in the Han people in Central Plains.

至少从领衔微软中国到入主盛大网络,他还从未失过手。Microsoft China arrives advocate royal network, he never still breaks handle.

自芬威体育集团入主俱乐部之后,苏亚雷斯是亨利治下的首笔签约。Suarez was among Henry's first signings since Fenway Group took over the club.

罗斯福和奥巴马都属民主党人,两人都是在危难时刻入主白宫,对民众承诺变革。The two men, both Democrats, took office promising change at a time of crisis.

运用间隙接受理论分析了匝道车辆在高速公路合流区汇入主路的运行状态。The merging behavior of on-ramp vehicle is analyzed with gap acceptance theory.

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主站从子站上抄的数据,存入主站数据库。Sub-station, the main station copied from the data into the database main station.

几年前,范布伦为杰克逊入主白宫立下了汗马功劳。Years before, Van Buren had done much himself to elect Jackson to the White House.

如果要达到百分百安全,就把它设为每次自动登录时都要键入主人密码吧。For total security, set it to require the master password at every automatic log-in.