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这是明摆着的事实。It is an obvious fact.

明摆着,来复枪是怂人的武器。Clearly a rifle is the weapon of cowards.

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领导不力,这一点现在已经是明摆着了,而且已经到了令人担忧的地步。Weak leadership, as evident today, is alarming.

直到周一早晨,明摆着的,我们破产了。By Monday morning, it was clear we were bankrupt.

回想起来,造成如今痛苦处境的理由明摆着。In retrospect, the causes of today's woes seem obvious.

他要的是会说威尔士语的演员。明摆着,我是没指望了。He wants actors who can speak Welsh. Obviously I've had it.

我回嘴,指着我明摆着的紫斑作为见证来驳倒她。I retorted, showing a decided purple witness to refute her.

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里德的记录明摆着,为什么还是有人信以为真呢?Given Reed's track record, why does anyone take him seriously?

我那时对“道理”的定义是在职业长梯上的下一个明摆着的更高的位置。Sense is defined as the next obvious step up the career ladder.

我原来以为这原因是明摆着的,我家订如果博格特面对着你,就会以伏地魔的形象出现的。I should think it'd be obvious. I assumed the Boggart would take the shape of Lord Voldemort.

“要是在30年前,我绝不会承认这点,”科勋爵表示,“不过事实是明摆着的,竞争帮助了我。”“I would never have admitted this 30 years ago,” Lord Coe says, “but of course the rivalry helped me.

从那些哈达德接触的水务工程师的角度看,水的再利用是明摆着的事。From the perspective of the water engineers Haddad was talking with, this kind of reuse was a no-brainer.

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驱使人们寻找此类机会的动机也是明摆着的。And so that clearly is a significant enough incentive for people to seek out those kinds of opportunities.

因此,面对这个不证自明的命题,答案与秃子头上的虱子一样,都是明摆着的。Therefore, with such self-evident proposition, the answer is the same as with the bald head louse, are obvious.

它们尽是些“凸现价值”和“关注质量”的技巧,换句话说,这些都是明摆着的事情,说了和没说一样。They are filled with tips like 'Highlight Value. ' Or 'Focus on Quality. ' In other words, a blinding flash of the obvious.

更重要的是,将吃猪肉等同于吃狗肉的观点忽略了人类与狗之间明摆着的特殊关系。More importantly, the pig-equals-dog claim ignores the glaringly obvious issue of relationships.The human relationship with dogs is unique.

前者是个二十岁的姑娘,苗条、纤弱,有一张苍白、标致的脸,脸上明摆着一种瞧不起人的优越感。The former is a girl of twenty, slender, delicate, with a pale, pretty face marred by a self-conscious expression of disdainful superiority.

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现在迈克已经走到我们跟前了,把杰西卡落在了几步之外。我能看出他的眼睛正在估量着雅克布,看上去对他明摆着的年幼感到很满意。Mike had reached us now, with Jessica still a few paces back. I could see his eyes appraising Jacob, and looking satisfied at his obvious youth.

短语“化学合成物滥用”常常被用来指代“毒品泛滥”,明摆着,象酒精和烟草那种东西一旦滥用,其危害不亚于海洛因和可卡因。" is often used instead of "drug abuse" to make clear that substances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and cocaine.

我没有站在自己的立场说我是降灵学说的发明者、理论倡导者,一次也没有。因为明摆着还有许多伟大的灵媒、许多伟大的研究者、探索者。I don't for one moment suppose that I'm taking it upon my self to say that I'm the inventor of spiritualism, or that I'm even the principal exponent of it.