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通货紧缩的威胁?The threat of deflation?

价格是按游戏通货计算的。The price is set in scrip.

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可惜,通货再膨胀并不那么简单。Alas, reflation is not so simple.

在通货紧缩时亦是如此。See also Inflation and Deflation.

首先,我们将终生承受通货紧缩的打击。First we have the deflation shock of lives.

繁荣并非一定以通货紧缩为终点。The boom does not have to end in deflation.

不过,他们的通货再膨胀目标还是“实现”了。But their goal of reflation happened anyway.

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“通货紧缩会继续加深”,彭先生表示。"Deflation is still deepening, " said Mr Peng.

我们必须用通货再膨胀手段刺激需求增加消费。We must reflate demand and increase consumption.

你更担心通货膨胀还是通货紧缩?SHOULD you fret more about inflation or deflation?

没人认为通货紧缩本身是可取的。No one thinks that deflation in itself is desirable.

中国经历了1996至2004年不寻常的一个通货紧缩时期。China had an unusual deflation period from 1996-2004.

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这说明通货紧缩在快速进行着。This suggests that disinflation is proceeding rapidly.

究竟那些收息者怎样从通货紧缩中获利?How exactly are these rentiers benefiting from deflation?

大规模的通货再膨胀将带来令人讨厌的债务遗留问题。The great reflation will come with a nasty debt hangover.

经济学家认为通货紧缩对经济是不利的。Economists consider deflation to be detrimental to the economy.

我将此推测推及到通货膨胀和通货紧缩之中。I applied that conjecture to episodes of inflation and deflation.

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他们必须采取通货再膨胀的方法来刺激国内经济。They had to reflate with a view to stimulate their domestic economy.

格塞尔表明,更快的货币流通速度有助于打败通货紧缩。Gesell argued that a higher velocity of money helps combat deflation.

这样就会使金币标准可操作了因为不会引起通货紧缩。That would make a gold standard practicable and not too deflationary.