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小资产阶级家庭。He came from a petty-bourgeois family.

要抛弃小资产阶级的伤感情调。Petty-bourgeois sentiment should be done away with.

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这些都是小资产阶级思想的表现。These were both expression of petty-bourgeois ideology.

我们布尔乔亚小资产阶级逻辑矛盾的假道学,就是这副德性。Such was the hypocrisy of our bourgeois societies with its halting logic.

一切半无产阶级、小资产阶级,是我们最接近的朋友。Our closest friends are the entire semi-proletariat and petty bourgeoisie.

他写道,因为养金鱼,他被评批为小资产阶级。Raising goldfish, he wrote, had been criticized as a petit bourgeoispractice.

他不顾一切反对,执行小资产阶级右倾机会主义政策。Overriding all opposition, he followed a Right-opportunist petty-bourgeois policy.

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他们是教师,我是他们的学生谁是学习放弃小资产阶级的生活。They are teachers, and I am their pupil who is learning to abandon petit-bourgeois life.

用小资产阶级知识分子所需要、所便于接受的东西吗?Popularize what is needed and can be readily accepted by the petty-bourgeois intellectuals?

我们同资产阶级和小资产阶级的思想还要进行长期的斗争。We still have to wage a protracted struggle against bourgeois and petty- bourgeois ideology.

这种小资产阶级个人主义者对人民的事业总是抱着冷眼旁观的态度。Such petty-bourgeois individualists always look coldly from the side-lines at the people's cause.

大地主和大资本家已经联合起来反对小资产阶级和工人。The great landlords and the financiers had combined against the small bourgeoisie and the workers.

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但是,这两个组织中有许多小资产阶级分子是被迫或者被骗加入的。But many petty- bourgeois elements had joined them under compulsion or had been duped into joining.

我们要为这四种人服务,就必须站在无产阶级的立场上,而不能站在小资产阶级的立场上。To serve them, we must take the class stand of the proletariat and not that of the petty bourgeoisie.

他站在小资产阶级的立场上为中国革命设计了他理想中的社会主义前途和未来。Standing on the ground of petty bourgeoisie, Mr Dengyanda conceived socialist future for Chinese people.

第三,小资产阶级思想和封建思想残余的严重影响。The movement was badly influenced by the thought of petty bourgeoisie and the left thought of feudalism.

但是不久,黄昏就降临到灿烂白天,跟随而来的是,维多利亚时代布尔乔亚小资产阶级沉闷的夜晚。But twilight soon fell upon this bright day, followed by the monotonous nights of the Victorian bourgeoisie.

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无政府主义是一种产生于欧洲的小资产阶级政治思潮。The anarchism is one kind of political ideological trend of the petty bourgeoisie which came into being in Europe.

中国农民群众和城市小资产阶级群众,是愿意积极地参加革命战争,并愿意使战争得到彻底胜利的。A true revolutionary must be one who is willing to integrate himself with the workers and peasants and actually does so.

廖仲恺是近代历史上著名的国民党左派、小资产阶级革命家、思想家。Liao Zhongkai was a famous Kuomintang leftist in the modern history, a revolutionist of little bourgeois, and an ideologist.