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我们坚信要让每个人都切切实实感受到“美国梦”的存在。We believed in keeping the American dream alive for all people.

这样在你临终的时候你才能说你切切实实地经历过。At the end of the day you have the final say on how you experience reality.

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春切切实实地回来了,置身在这一片静谧安祥之中,还有谁惧怕那遥远的秋呢?In the serene certainty of spring recurring, who can fear the distant fall ?

但是对你们和你们的孩子来说,所有青春期的陷阱都是切切实实、危险无比的。But for you and your teen, the traps of adolescence are all too real and treacherous.

苹果进军电子书市场已对亚马逊形成切切实实的竞争压力,而且正在逐步改变行业规则。Apple's arrival is already giving Amazon some real competition and changing the rules.

但是这些鬼怪切切实实的存在,不仅在头脑里更在屋子里。However, the ghosts are actually there, not only in your inner mind but also in the room.

这款耳机可以切切实实地将乐声和因为太尖脆而无法传输的声音分离开来。The 700's deliver solid separation of instruments and voices without coming across as too crisp.

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毕竟,正是第一线的运营者在切切实实地向顾客销售并送货。After all, it is the operators in the field who actually sell to customers and deliver the goods.

在薪资平等性方面,美国的排名仅为第68位——尽管实施同工同酬的法律切切实实地存在。The U.S. is ranked No. 68 in pay equality—despite laws in place to enforce equal pay for equal work.

他们切切实实的吸取了工程再造的“智慧”精华,并将其应用到了他们的关键业务流程。They have distilled the real "wisdom" of re-engineering and applied it to their key business processes.

我选择自然分娩,不想开刀,也希望喂哺母乳,切切实实地去当一个真正的母亲。I chose natural childbirth, do not want surgery, breast-feeding also hope to honestly and to become a real mother.

她表示,回国后将落实后续工作,切切实实地开展东开普省与我市的双边贸易合作和城市交流。She promised that follow up work would be carried out to promote further bilateral trade and economic cooperation.

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在‘深度撞击’彗星任务的数据中,我们基本上切切实实地观察到水分子在我们眼前形成,然后又消失。In the Deep Impact data, we're essentially watching water molecules form and then dissipate right in front of our eyes.

人民的觉悟是不容易的,要去掉人民头脑中的错误思想,需要我们做很多切切实实的工作。The political awakening of the people is not easy. It requires much earnest effort on our part to rid their minds of wrong ideas.

可以说本文是切切实实的站在吉林省粮食企业的立场来分析的,对企业和政府都具有很强的实用价值和参考价值,对实践具有一定的指导意义。It can be said that this article is completely standing the position of Grain Enterprises in Jilin province and it has a high practical value.

许多人看到亚历山大的雕像会切切实实的喜极而泣,但对于格鲁埃夫斯基这个反对社会主义的人来说,亚历山大却是恶魔的化身。Many Macedonians have literally wept with joy to see the statue of Alexander, but for Macedonia's socialist opposition Mr Gruevski is the devil incarnate.

许多人看到亚历山大的雕像会切切实实的喜极而泣,但对于格鲁埃夫斯基这个反对社会主义的人来说,亚历山大却是恶魔的化身。Many Macedonians have literally wept with joy to see the statue of Alexander, but for Macedonia’s socialist opposition Mr Gruevski is the devil incarnate.

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我更想强调,只有我们每个人在自己的生活中都切切实实作出自己的贡献,这个目标才能最终实现。More importantly, I would like to stress that this goal will be achieved only when every one of us makes some practical contribution to it in our daily life.

因此,中国中产阶级在面对在政府巨额贴补和价格调控下仍然远远超过世界上大多数国家的高物价时,仍然感受到切切实实的痛楚。As a result, China's middle class could feel the pinch of higher commodity prices even stronger than most countries, without heavy government subsidies or price controls.

在你们的帮助和全体渴望变革并为此作好了准备的全体美国的努力和奉献下,我相信,一切都会切切实实地好起来。With your help, along with the service and sacrifice of Americans across the nation who are hungry for change and ready to bring it about, I have faith that all will in fact be well.