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胶合板有什么问题呢?What’s wrong with plywood?

桦木胶合板结构。Birch plywood construction.

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桦木胶合板箱体,黑色喷漆。Black painted Birch plywood enclosure.

他用凿子把胶合板拆开。He broke away the veneer with a chisel.

外汇20内阁是由15毫米杨木胶合板。The FX 20 cabinet is made of 15mm poplar plywood.

这表明,小砌块胶合板向加劲。This shows the small blocks glued to the stiffener.

胶合板、单板饰面板及类似的多层板。Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood.

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本系列充气艇的底板可以选用铝合金、木质胶合板、木条、或充气底板。The Floors of the boats could be aluminum, wooden and air deck.

本系列充气艇的底板可以选用铝合金、木质胶合板、木条、或充气底板。The Floors of the boats could be aluminum, plywood and air deck.

用于真空成型法而弯曲成泡沫形状的胶合板。Plywood bent to the shape of a styrofoam form for vacuum forming.

哪一个的力学属性更好,胶合板的,为什么?Which one has the superior mechanical properties? The plywood. Why?

钉、锯、钻孔等性能优于竹胶合板、小钢板。Nails, sawing, drilling, etc. is superior to plywood, a small plate.

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例如,看似廉价的胶合板盒子,像我准备建造的在树桩上的儿童游戏房。No cheap-looking plywood box or precious playhouse on stilts would do.

他们可能用胶合板和其它现有飞机的座椅进行试验。They could do that using plywood and a seat out of an existing airplane.

在坚硬的胶合板下面躺着一个庞大的社会乐观性。Yet underneath the tough veneer lies a strong current of social optimism.

所有木皮、胶合板、木制品和木块均须经防火处理。All wood veneers, plywood, millwork, and blocking shall be fire retardant.

该胶适用于制造室外级胶合板、刨花板、中纤板。The PF resins could be used for exterior grade plywood and particle board.

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详细介绍了现场钢框竹胶合板模板的过程。The progress of plywood formwork with steel frame is introduced in detail.

首先,我削减一进入洞,在桥面和胶合板舵手给它。First, I cut an access hole in the Bridge Deck and glued the Wheelhouse to it.

内墙都采用柳桉木胶合板,部分墙体被刷成了白色。The inside walls were all finished with lauan plywood and painted white partly.