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这些样书打折扣出售。A sample piece of fabric.

请寄一本样书给我。Please send a sample copy to me.

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这些样书打折扣出售。There's a discount for these sample copies.

但是他们已发了几本样书。But a few advance copies have been circulated.

这本书便宜,是因为作为样书给弄脏了。This book is cheap because it was shop-soiled.

很有幸,我先读到了小雅的样书。Very fortunate, I first read the kind of book Xiaoya.

这本书的样书已经在底特律引起了轰动。Advance copies have already created a stir in Detroit.

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凡入选者无稿酬,赠送样书一卷。Those who selected no remuneration, gifts like a roll of the book.

她写这本书就是为了作者有权得到的那本免费样书。She had written it for the single gratis copy of the book that an author was entitled to.

被评论过的作者也会来留言,出版商还会寄来样书和书评拷贝。Reviewed authors comment on the posts, and publishers send the family advance copies and review copies.

一个图书馆员和Groetsch说,在她的国家,ISBN是粘到书上的,这样书看上去会更有合法性一点。One librarian had mentioned to Groetsch that in her country, ISBNs are pasted onto a book to give it a greater appearance of legitimacy.

王燕生小小的灵位前摆放着他的诗歌集,那是他的后人为他急就的,是几本样书。In front of his little tablet there were his collections of poetry that was his descendants' hasty arrangement, several copies of sample book.

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本文介绍了国内几大联合编目中心的概况,结合样书进行下载率调查分析,为选择加入联合编目中心提供依据。This paper introduced general situations of several domestic union catalogue center, analysed the book download rate, and provided the basis for the combined catalogue center selection.

西密歇根大学陈列着黑雀出版社为其出版的所有作品的样书,在黑雀出版社2003年关闭之后,西密歇根大学购买了该出版社的档案。Copies of all editions of his work published by the Black Sparrow Press are held at Western Michigan University, which purchased the archive of the publishing house after its closure in 2003.