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这,是,我的,火枪!This. Is. My. Boomstick!

瞎眼的老鼠,火枪手,命运。Blind mice, musketeers, the Fates.

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第三个火枪手叫什么名字?What was the name of the third musketeer?

近卫军火枪手能持续射击了。Janissary Musketeers now fire consistently.

他摇了摇头,掮上那支生锈的火枪。He shook his head, shouldered the rusty firelock.

修正巫妖牺牲仪式对矮人火枪手无效的错误。Sacrifice Ritual doesn't take effect on Rifleman Bug fixed.

达达尼昂,你想成为火枪手?你的机会来了。D'Artagnan, you want to be a musketeer. This is your chance.

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暴民们却对火枪手开枪,火枪手也对暴民还击。The mob fired on the musketeers, and the musketeers fired on the mob.

暴动者抢走了28000支火枪,但是缺少弹药。The insurgents have robbed 28000 flintlocks, but lacks the ammunition.

有时肉搏很重要,线形集结火枪是关键。While melee is important, the massed line of muskets is the key image.

我来此的目的是想请您赐予我一件火枪手军服。I came here with the intention of requesting the uniform of a Musketeer.

更值得注意的是,三个火枪手是“重要”,因为它很有趣。Even more remarkably , The Three Musketeers is "important" because it is fun.

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优化的准确性和瞄准系统的火枪感受到现实。Optimized the accuracy and the aiming system of the muskets to feel realistic.

火枪的编队射击很重要,所以我们给于了更多的关注。The choreography of musket fire is important, so that gets a lot of attention.

目前已知的火枪都是双手使用的,但也可能会有单手使用的手枪。As of now all of the known guns are 2-handed, but there may be 1-handed pistols.

如果是单一的兵种,蒙古突骑可以打败土耳其的火枪兵。If it is a single branch, Mongolia, Turkey, Tunisia riding a musket soldiers can defeat.

这些火枪的先驱者可以射出穿透盔甲的致命齐射。This forerunner of the musket is capable of firing deadly volleys that can pierce armour.

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现在方阵比以前更有用,而且战斗人工智能在没有肉搏战错误的情况下比以前更常用火枪射击。Now the squares are more useful than ever and the BAI muskets more than ever without melee bug.

吾得滑膛火枪及骑兵军刀,伯君得一杆大枪,上有刺刀附之。I received a musket and a saber. Le Poittevin was handed an enormous gun with a bayonet attached.

好了,那么我们有了个拥有翼龙翅膀的超大鳄鱼,还能抵挡住火枪的火力。OK, so we’ve got a very large alligator with the wings of a pterosaur that can repel musket fire.