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轻粒子,夸克。Leptons, quarks.

粒子易于结合。The particles tend to unite.

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粒子加速器很酷。Particle accelerators are cool.

这就是散射粒子。This is the scattered particle.

这种粒子的质量很小。This particle has a very small mass.

如果粒子可区分的话。If you have distinguishable particles.

那么粒子的速度又是多少?What is the velocity of this particle?

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那么这些谜一样的粒子在哪里呢?So where are these mysterious particles?

它们也许是带有正电荷的粒子。They would be particles of positive charge.

对可区分的粒子必须这样做。This is true for distinguishable particles.

这是木琴演奏的一段粒子碰撞的声音。That’s a proton collision played on marimba.

质子是物质的基本粒子。A proton is an elementary particle of matter.

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光的行为好象它是由粒子组成的。Light behave as if it were made of particles.

作用于粒子的力是恒力。The force acting on the particle is constant.

应用新材质到粒子系统。Apply the new material to the particle system.

粒子射程的涨落称为歧离。The fluctuation in range is called straggling.

它显示了一个物质粒子的量子波。It shows quantum waves of a particle of matter.

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从粒子系统中移除所有粒子。Removes all particles from the particle system.

没有阻尼,将会让粒子最大反弹。No damping , particles will have maximum bounce.

当粒子撞击到屏幕的时候就记录一次。They count where these particles hit the screen.