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如果我要寻死,我就爬上你的自恃清高,跳入你的智商。If I wanted to kill myself I'd climb your ego and jump to your IQ.

智慧人惧怕,就远离恶事。愚妄人却狂傲自恃。A wise man fears the Lord and shuns evil, but a fool is hotheaded and reckless.

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一天,一位自恃聪颖的年轻人请求与方丈大师会谈,想学习禅法。One day , an intelligent student appeared before the master for such a session.

他的父亲卡扎菲不顾大批的反抗军仍然自恃老大。Khadafy's father, Moammar, still remains at large despite swarming rebel forces.

可惜他自恃很擅长喝酒,根本不把我的忠告当回事儿。He was not at all daunted by this advice, considering himself quite an accomplished drinker.

除了现实的因素,我特别讨厌金发美女因为她们在真实生活里都又傻又自恃甚高。Despite the fact that, I really hate blondes because they are very dumb and arrogant in daily life.

他虽然忧伤地责备我们的不信和自恃,但总会赐给我们所需要的帮助。Though He sorrowfully reproves our unbelief and self-confidence, He never fails to give us the help we need.

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他们自恃身出豪门,便觉得高人一等,就可以傲慢无礼,到头来连引以为豪的父母都弃之不理。They thinks the body out of the club, they feel superior, it can be arrogant, even the proud parents abandoned ignore.

愿主打破我们在种族文化上自恃的优越感和心理上的围篱,愿意接纳回民如手足同胞,真心为他们的得救迫切祷告。May the Lord break down our pride and the walls we build in our hearts, so we are truly willing to pray for their salvation.

自恃是读书人、是知识分子,瞧不起渔夫、看不起其它学派的人,这是不对的。You flatter yourself that you are a scholar and intellectual. So you despise fisherman and scholar of other sects . It is wrong!

不要想去越过界限,绝对不能因为自恃和上司的交情比别人好,就有能力去违反工作中的规章制度。Don't cross the line by believing that a stronger informal relationship gives you the ability to break the rules of the workplace.

“计划生育”组织的佩德罗•艾里艾斯说,弗雷斯诺的年轻人自恃“大男子气概”,因此较少使用避孕套。Pedro Elías of Planned Parenthood says machismo persists among young Latinos in Fresno , making them less inclined to use condoms.

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然而,美国国会及美国政府自恃地相信,就连那些最成功的企业都无法做到的事情,它们可以做到。In their hubris, however, the Congress and this administration believe they can do what even the most successful corporations can't.

暴蛮很自恃于拥有所有兽人氏族中最大票的头目和暴风小子队伍,因为他们是所有兽人中最军事化的一支。The Goffs can boast the greatest numbers of Nobz and Stormboyz. This is because the Goffs are the most militaristic of all the Orks.

政治幽默,是那些官场中人避免将其傲慢与自恃的倾向具体化的一种方式。Political humour is a manner by which arrogance and hubristic tendencies of those who are in power may be prevented from taking shape.

特别是卢武铉政府的外交着眼于自恃,把两国关系推到破裂的边缘。In particular, the Roh Moo-hyun administration’s diplomacy focusing on self-reliance pushed the relationship to the verge of a rupture.

对那些无限的事物,那超乎预料的壮美来说,形容词的感染力,或者暗语的自恃能有什么用处呢?For what can the pathos of adjectives or the haughtiness of epithets avail against that measureless thing, that magnificence beyond reckoning?

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但是真主党自恃手中握有火箭便以为能在以色列进出自如不受惩罚的想法也未免太过于狂妄自大了。But it was utter hubris for Hizbullah to believe that , with its rockets in reserve, its fighters could keep crossing into Israel with impunity.

格里耶自恃为先锋派,但是他能够反对传统,却不能够抵抗通俗。Grillet considered himself as avantgarde, but even if he could rebel against old ways and ideas, he was not able to turn against popular culture.

即便是伟人也会时不时地说些傻话—自恃甚高的人更是经常犯这种错误。Every now and then, someone who is brilliant says something stupid — often the result of spending too much time riding a jet stream of high praise.