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这是一段艰深难学的课程。This is hard lesson to learn.

因此,首先我们要为我们的孩子提供最艰深。So first we owe to our children the most demanding.

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她为了通过那门艰深的课程,可说是卯足了全力。She really knocked herself out trying to pass that difficult class.

艰深而难懂的东西,反而是修行上的障碍。The profound and difficult concepts are actually the obstruct of practice.

那些人试图将动物行为学变成一门艰深的学问。"These people were trying to make ethology a hard science," Goodall recalls.

虽然这些作品过于艰深,幼年的我们在当时还无法理解,但父亲就是很喜欢这样读给我们听。It was too difficult for us to understand at the time, but he still liked doing it.

姹女呀,你的纯朴,如湖水之碧,表现出你的真理之艰深。maiden, your simplicity, like the blueness of the lake, reveals your depth of truth.

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不管是什么,每个人都会赞成,现代诗歌是艰深的,你或许也会认同这点。Whatever else it may be, everyone's always agreed that modern poetry is difficult. You will probably too.

王道艰深,但奥妙只在于“以德服人”,即用自己的德行赢得天下人民的爱戴与信服。Though the Kingcraft is very hard, king can win all the people's loving and esteeming through his own virtue.

请记住放一本字典和笔记在您的床柜上方便您查阅及随时纪录一些艰深的单字和小句子。Remember to keep a dictionary and notebook on your bed-side table to look up and record difficult words and passages.

犯罪构成理论是刑法中最为根基且有较为艰深的理论问题之一,向来就饱有论争。Theory of Crime Constitution is one of the most difficult theories of Criminal Law. The theory is always controversial.

为什么不把你艰深的洞察力用在你自己身上,告诉我们你看到了什么,或者你畏怯。Why don't you turn that high-powered perception at yourimmolation and tell us what you see, or, maybe you're worried to.

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“正义”乃当今之“显学”,但仍然是一个歧见迭出的艰深问题,这要求更多的学理深究。"Justice" is now a very popular discipline but it still causes much controversy which requires more theoretical studies.

我屏气静气地望着房间的另一头,远远地凝视着猎人那艰深的眼眸,而他则以兴奋的眼光回答我。I stared without breathellong across the long room, into the dark eyes of the hunter, and he looked pleasantly back at me.

有人若在艰深难解的事上弃置不管,但想走诫命的平正大路,这样的朴实真是有福的。Blest is the simplicity that leaves the difficult way of dispute and goes forward on the level, firm path of God's commandments.

每一个专业领域都有专业术语,别全盘接受你的教授讲究艰深、华丽词藻的影响,虽然,老实说,很多教授的确颇好此道。Every profession has its clunkers. Don't count on your prof being seduced by ostentatious words—though, in all honesty, too many are.

缪尔-考克雷克斯喜欢“研究之窗”是因为她能够在这里询问一些艰深的算法或是什么试剂可以用于某种化学反应这类问题。Moore-Kochlacs likes ResearchGate because she can ask obscure questions about algorithms or what reagent to use in a certain chemical reaction.

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还在不久以前,意识还被认为太抽象、太主观或者太艰深以致不能科学地进行研究。It wasn't that long ago that the study of consciousness was considered to be too abstract, too subjective or too difficult to study scientifically.

野庭人口多美仍是家庭人心多赖是一个十分艰深的主题,不仅是乡面我,而且农夫都常常探讨这个答题。Weather a large family is a good thing or not is a very popular topic, which is often talked about not only by city residents but by farmers as well.

从虚无之境带给他的剧痛中逃离后,哈斯卡终于睁开了双眼,醒来的第一件事却是发现暗影牧师戴泽正在对他吟唱一个艰深的咒语。Emerging from the throes of the sacred Nothl Realm, Huskar opened his eyes to see the prodigal shadow priest Dazzle working a deep incantation over him.