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市场将会兴旺。Markets will be vitalized.

他的生意兴旺。He has a thriving business.

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希望麋鹿家族越来越兴旺!I wish elks increasing prosperity!

到处呈现一片兴旺景象。Everywhere is a scene of prosperity.

“生意很好,很兴旺,是的”他说。"Business is good. Booming, yes,"he says.

底特律曾经是一座显赫一时、繁荣兴旺的城市。Detroit was once a grand and prosperous city.

这个神示殿在公元前332年依然很兴旺。This oracle was still flourishing in 332 B. C.

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主的道大大兴旺而且得胜,就是这样。So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.

企业没有良好的管理不会兴旺。A business cannot thrive without good management.

繁荣兴旺既毁了蠢人,也使智者陷于险境。Prosperity destroys fools and endangers the wise.

假冒和无商标的仿制兴旺繁荣起来。Counterfeiting and off-brand knockoffs flourished.

在伊丽莎白一世时代英国戏剧繁荣兴旺。The drama in England flourished under Elizabeth I.

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兴旺时现邪恶,艰难时显美德。Prosperity is descovers vices and adversity virtues.

神的道日见兴旺,越发广传。But the word of God continued to increase and spread.

一位钢铁公司的官员表示业务兴旺。A steel company official told me business was booming.

他答应亚伯拉罕及他的后代人丁兴旺。He makes promises of progeny to Abraham and his heirs.

中国经济兴旺的时候,中产阶级膨胀。As China boomed, the ranks of the middle class swelled.

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饮料业在夏天总是兴旺繁荣。The soft drink business always booms in the summertime.

身体健康,合家欢乐,胡氏兴旺!The health, the entire family is happy, Hu is prosperous!

酸蒸汽涌进兴旺的面粉厂。The sour vapour pours into the flourishing flour factory.