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我们遵循不同的教规。We follow different edicts.

并遵循其妻子的电话。And follows its wifes calls.

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遵循禅体的原则。Follow a Zen-Body principle.

我们需要遵循现实。And we need to conform to it.

作业员是否严格遵循WI?。Is the operator following the WI?

鸟儿胸前带着棘刺,遵循着一个不可改变的法则。A bird with a thorn in its breast.

遵循先例有一种向前的推动力。Stare Decisis has a forward thrust.

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你要遵循“以顾客为先”的途径。Follow a "customer-driven" approach.

遵循MCAD经理的指导。Follow the direction of MCAD Manager.

不遵循己经制定的规矩,他们更喜欢自由的生活方式.They prefer to freestyle life instead.

为了运行这个宏,遵循以下步骤。To run this macro, follow these steps.

实现者需要遵循以下规则Implementors need to follow these rules

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要包成饺子,遵循以下那容易的步骤。To make them, follow this easy process.

它所遵循的是“现实原则“And it works on the "Reality Principle."

液相遵循拉乌尔定律。And the liquid phase obeys Raoult's law.

你正遵循诸行动原则而行事。You are following the Action Principles.

大多数机械系统遵循的都是这种逻辑。Most mechanical systems follow the clock.

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需要得到理解和遵循的原则。Principles to be understood and followed.

新教徒和犹太人则遵循另一部。Protestants and Jews have different ones.

她遵循内心正义的声音。She abides by the inner voice of justice.