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所有的职位都已摩肩接踵?The positions all filled?

公共汽车里摩肩接踵,我被挤在里面无法动弹。The bus was jam-packed with people and I could not move.

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尽管摩肩接踵,大家也挤不到一处。No one intrudes on the others, even if in a jostling crowd.

商场里妇女摩肩接踵,街上男人比比皆是。The market-place was full of women, the streets packed with men.

人们纷纷地爬上山,上山的人已经是摩肩接踵了。People have to climb the mountain, the mountain people is the crowds.

晚上,走在小镇的青石板路上,游人摩肩接踵。Night, walking in the town of quartzite on the road, visitors are filled.

超市里人山人海,摩肩接踵,人们移动地非常缓慢。There were thousands of people inside and very crowed. People moved very slowly.

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在我生活的城市,也有这样的一条小巷,每天人声鼎沸,行人摩肩接踵。In the city I live, there is a lane, every JALEO, pedestrian jostle one another on the way.

店里的顾客摩肩接踵,络绎不绝,给人们日常生活带来了极大的方便。The store customer dispatches, drive-travelers, give people daily life has brought great convenience.

人群熙熙攘攘、摩肩接踵,手机摄像头噼里啪啦地拍摄着巴西的一个知名桑巴乐队。THE crowd surges back and forth, hands above heads, mobile-phone cameras snapping one of Brazil’s best-known samba bands.

精英们在酒吧里摩肩接踵,局促地跳舞,用他们的iPhone手机发短信,而手机则是……苹果公司制造的。Elites elbowed for position at the bar, danced poorly, and tapped out text messages on their iPhones, made by?.?.?.?Apple.

虽然观赏者摩肩接踵,由于合理地布置了观赏时间,我还是观赏了近二百个展馆。Although visitors people mountain people sea, because reasonably arranged a visit time, I still visited nearly 200 exhibition hall.

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他们在拥挤的公车里摩肩接踵,他们和邻居谈天,他们对人微笑,也逗人发笑。They come shoulder-to-shoulder with humanity in crowded buses, they talk to their neighbors, they smile at people and make others smile.

新华社网站上发布的一组幻灯片中,一张照片显示了南京中山陵一道牌坊下摩肩接踵的人群。A photograph in a slide show on the website of Xinhua showed cheek-by-jowl crowds beneath an outdoor archway at the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing.

大街上的成百上千的行人摩肩接踵,驼队从丝绸之路带来各种货物,茶馆旅店生意兴隆。Hundreds of pedestrians jostle every other ashore the streets, camels carry goods in from the Silk Road, and teahouses and canteens do a thriving business.

大街上的成百上千的行人摩肩接踵,驼队从丝绸之路带来各种货物,茶馆旅店生意兴隆。Hundreds of pedestrians jostle every other on the avenues, camels carry merchandise in from the Silk Road, and teahouses and canteens do a thriving commerce.

大街上的成百上千的行人摩肩接踵,驼队从丝绸之路带来各种货物,茶馆旅店生意兴隆。Hundreds of pedestrians jostle every other on the streets, camels carry merchandise in from the Silk Road, and teahouses and canteens do a thriving business.

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几十名穿着橙色,栗色服装,甚至带着格子呢帽的中国游客摩肩接踵,想要占据在一块古老石碑前照相的最佳位置。Dozens of Chinese tourists wearing orange, maroon and even tartan hats brush each other aside as they try to snaffle the best spots to photograph an ancient headstone.

但是,正在穿越人行横道的路人、摩肩接踵的人群以及道路上抛锚的事故车等不确定因素都可能让一套精心设计的系统崩溃失常,导致恼人而又产生污染的交通拥堵。But variables like pedestrians in crosswalks, large crowds and vehicle wrecks can throw a carefully designed system out of whack, leading to annoying and pollution-causing traffic jams.

尽管摩肩接踵,大家也挤不到一处。像壳里的仁,各自各。像太阳光里飞舞的轻尘,各自各。As the kernels separately lying in the shell or the dust adrift on its own in the sunlight, men, albeit in a packed space, co-exist in an individual way without disturbing others too much.