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为寻找吾爱我曾远涉重洋。Once I travelled 7 seas to find my love.

他远涉重洋到澳大利亚去当法语教师。He went out to Australia as a French teacher.

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在19世纪,很少有人能像马克·吐温那样远涉重洋。Few people in the 19th century could match Mark Twain mile for mile.

在这期间大批青年远涉重洋,赴法留学。During this period, a large number of youngers participated in the movement and went abroad.

为了我们,他们背起行囊,远涉重洋,寻找新的生活。For us, they packed up their few worldly possessions and travelled across oceans in search of a new life.

利玛窦带着传布福音的使命,远涉重洋来到中国,但他在华的最大成功却不在基督的事业,而在中西文化的交流。Matteo·Ricc come to China, he great success cause not in Christ mos, but exchange in Chinese and West- em culture.

今天,你们意气风发,即将远涉重洋奔赴世界各国的著名学府深造,继续追求自己的理想和人生价值。Soon you will go off to various tertiary institutions for your further education as a way of pursuing your dreams and realizing your personal value.

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一百多年前,一位名叫严复的年轻人远涉重洋到英国求学。初到英国,他多次到英国的法庭旁听英人审案。One hundred years long ago, a young man named Yan Fu went to British for studying mechanical technology. he would like to watch the trials of court in UK.

而这条铁路的建设与一个半世纪前远涉重洋来到北美的华工先驱们的伟大功绩密不可分。The construction of both railroads depended upon the great efforts of pioneering Chinese laborers who had come to North America one century and a half ago.

让远涉重洋的泡浴梦想奇迹般变成现实,如同亲临世界著名浴汤温泉一样,享受温泉生活释放身心的至高境界!Thus it can make your dream of having a spa abroad come into reality and you will enjoy yourself and release your mind and body as same as that of the famous spa.

一小群早期拓荒者为了寻找在他们自己的祖国已不存在的自由,在三百多年前远涉重洋,来到詹姆斯敦和普列茅斯。More than three centuries ago a handful of pioneers crossed the ocean to Jamestown and Plymouth in search of freedoms they were unable to find in their own countries.

据新华社报道,罗丹、凡·高等7位法国艺术泰斗的7件传世名作将远涉重洋,在2010年上海世博会期间在法国馆展出。The French government will send the works of 7 French masters, such as Auguste Rodin and Vincent Van Gogh, to China for the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, Xinhua reported.

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美国对我的祖父和千百万像他一样的移民敞开了大门,他们远涉重洋,前来追求建立在自由、平等和机会之上的更好生活。America was open to my grandfather and millions of other immigrants like him, coming to its shores to pursue a better life, founded on freedom, equality and opportunity.

大家是非洲人民热情和友谊的使者,又是远涉重洋而来,我首先代表商务部,向大家表示热烈的欢迎!You bring to China passion and friendship from the African people on the other side of the world. Let me start by giving you a warm welcome on behalf of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce!

马六甲海边有许多出售马来西亚特产的摊商,市区的商店多为华语招牌,在街上漫步,好像在远涉重洋后又回到了中国故乡。Malacca, Malaysia's coast there are many specialties of a vendor to sell, urban stores are mostly Chinese signs, walking in the street, as if returned to China after home across the oceans.

铁矿石体积大、重量沉,矿业公司往往要重金购置轨道机车和运输设备等基础设施,并利用专门港口装载,最后搭上巨型货轮,远涉重洋抵达目的地。Iron ore is heavy and bulky and requires a large investment in infrastructure like rail cars and shipping and specially designed ports to handle the huge bulk carriers to ply the world's oceans.