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看来,他是个典型的粗人。He seems to be a typical redneck.

莉萨认为她的上司是个粗人。Lisa thinks that her boss is an ass.

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英国的绅士们总是不肯接近城市粗人居住的地区。The English gentlemen always keep themselves away from the rough quarter of the town.

英国的绅士们总是不肯接近这个城市的粗人居住的地区。The English gentlemen always keep themselves away from the rough quarter of the town.

我不去理会这些狗嘴里长不出象牙的粗人,只管把电话拿起来走向我的卧室。I ignored these crude and horny bastards as I untangled the phone and started to take it into my bedroom.

诸如青少年需要鼓励去侮辱粗人,或者向小船里的小孩扔石块的主意很不靠谱。The idea that teens need to be encouraged to slap the clown or rock the little man in the boat is bizarre.

希刺克厉夫又微笑了,好像把那个粗人算作他的儿子,简直是把玩笑开得太莽撞了。Heathcliff smiled again, as if it were rather too bold a jest to attribute the paternity of that bear to him.

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这首诗向我们介绍了拉图尔这样一位“目不识丁的粗人”,他“直呼穷人为穷人,而非‘社会权益受剥夺者’。”The poem introduces us to Mr. Latour, "an illiterate boor" who "calls poor people poor instead of underprivileged.

男人衣着极为原始,女人穿筒裙和上衣,与番仑村里的那些粗人打扮一样。The men were in fiercely savage costume, and the women in skirts and jackets like the ruder portion of the people in Fan-lun.

反正饿也在天涯里回过就个贴,都社饿四个粗人,其实饿也走四个粗人。In any case I also return to several in the horizon to paste, all said I am a careless person, actually I also am a careless person.

张口就是污言秽语,这着实污染了校内的环境。这些难以入耳的脏话使得本来充满学术氛围的安静校园变成粗人聚集的低档社区。Obscenities are oral pollution. The filthy words turn the campus environment from a peaceful well-educated one into squalid neighborhood of rude residents.

所以塞尔苏斯和加伦都佩服基督徒的勇气,以及他们那种军事般的纪律,尽管他们鄙视他们当基督徒,鄙视他们是易受骗的,迷信的粗人。So Celsus and Galen admire Christians for the courage and the almost military discipline they have even though they despise them for being, they believe,gullible,superstitious bumpkins.

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所以塞尔苏斯和加伦都佩服基督徒的勇气,以及他们那种军事般的纪律,尽管他们鄙视他们当基督徒,鄙视他们是易受骗的,迷信的粗人。So Celsus and Galen admire Christians for the courage and the almost military discipline they have even though they despise them for being, they believe, gullible, superstitious bumpkins.

我就觉得吧,我还真有这权利说他们是一群粗人,当世上每个人都在和别人共享舆论和观点的时候中国的个人就只能说YES因为他们没有发言权。Do I think we actually have the right to call them rude, well everyone else in the world shares a consensus of opinion and the Chinese individually usually have no opinion whatsoever so erm YES.