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逃跑,至少能苟且偷生,年复一年,直到寿终正寝。Run, and you'll live at least a while.

逃跑,至少能苟且偷生,年复一年,直到寿终正寝。Run, and you will live at least a while.

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毛坯房寿终正寝后用何种方式来取代?Housing came after roughcast ways to replace?

毛坯房要“寿终正寝”引起的反应是强烈的。Roughcast room to "rest" is a strong reaction.

寿终正寝,失去意识。Death bed,goes to sleep,goes unconscious,whatever it is.

农村黑车何时寿终正寝?。When will unregistered vehicle disappear in countryside?

产卵之后,大马哈鱼很快也就寿终正寝了。Soon after spawning, the adult Pacific salmon will expire.

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中国的夏王朝寿终正寝而商王朝开始了。The Xia Dynasty of China ended and the Shang dynasty began.

但是,谁又会去买搭载即将寿终正寝的操作系统的智能手机呢?But who is going to buy a smartphone with an already obsoleted OS?

事实上,他预测美联储将会在今后十年内寿终正寝。Indeed, he predicts the Fed’s demise sometime in the next ten years.

有一个叫拿破仑的人,一个时空蠕虫在法国寿终正寝。There's the person Napoleon,a space-time worm that came to an end in France.

工业政策会促使我们所熟知的自由企业制度寿终正寝。Industrial policy would mark the end of the free-enterprise system as we know it.

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几年前,当AOL推出即时通讯时,有人说电子邮件将寿终正寝了。People said that e-mail was dead when AOL came out with instant messaging years ago.

房利美和房地美的寿终正寝对房主的未来意味着什么?What the Demise of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Means for the Future of Homeownership?

能推翻“诅咒说”的最有力论据就是霍华德·卡特的寿终正寝。The best argument against the curse's existence is the natural death of Howard Carter.

如果无法解决,坚持使用XP,直至机器寿终正寝或者其他方式取而代之。If these cannot be fixed, stick with XP until the computer dies or is otherwise replaced.

再也没有人会在这儿被子弹射中,这项工程已经寿终正寝,我这样告诉自己。Nobody was going to be shot here anymore. This project has been completed, I told myself.

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他总是希望衣锦还乡、寿终正寝,最后葬入祖坟。His hope is always to come back rich, to die and be buried where his ancestors are buried.

企业很少会因发展太快而一败涂地,它们倒是经常会因为裹足不前而寿终正寝。Companies rarely die from moving too fast, and they frequently die from moving too slowly".

他受到了周恩来的支持,是中国唯一一位在国内寿终正寝的现代主义者。He had the patronage of Zhou Enlai and was the only Chinese modernist to live out his life in China.