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别把我推向海市蜃楼。Do not push my mirage.

海市蜃楼从何处而来?Where do mirages come from?

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他认为这种繁荣的海市蜃楼。He thinks the boom is a mirage.

这当然是一厢情愿的海市蜃楼。This course of action is advisable.

沙漠中的海市蜃楼是一种假象。A mirage in the desert is deceptive.

这当然是一厢情愿的海市蜃楼。This, of course, is a fond delusion.

即使没能看到海市蜃楼的奇景。Though unable to see a mirage today.

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他决不会像白昼的海市蜃楼一样逐渐消逝。He'll never fade, like the daytime mirages.

人们有时会在沙漠中看到海市蜃楼。People sometimes see mirages in the desert.

在过去的经验中我们每个人都有过海市蜃楼。We all have in our past a delightful garret.

我目不转睛地看着水壶,似乎它是一个海市蜃楼似的。I stared at the canteen as if it were a mirage.

批评者认为她正在追求一座海市蜃楼。Her critics say she's pursuing an impossible idea.

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它在他眼前晃动,好像海市蜃楼里的绿洲。It hovered before his eyes like the mirage of an oasis.

海市蜃楼是基于大气热潮产生的一种光学幻觉。A mirage is an optical illusion founded on waves of heat.

这些运营有点儿像海市蜃楼。There is a certain mirage-like quality to such operations.

幸福,并非遥远得如海市蜃楼,可望不可即。Happiness is not far away like a mirage, that is not expected.

几乎所有的人都认为海市蜃楼是一个虚像,但我却持不同意见。Almost all people think a mirage is an illusion, but I disagree.

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让海市蜃楼看起来更像是奇迹,符合银行经理的利益。It is in bank managers' interest to make mirages look like miracles.

让海市蜃楼看起来更像是奇迹,符合银行经理的利益。It is in bank managers’ interest to make mirages look like miracles.

水上写不出字也建不起屋,只有海市蜃楼。The water could not write a word can't afford to build house, only a mirage.