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“真是射猎的好天气,”帕特里克说道。Fine day for a shoot, " Patrick said."

他们在荒野射猎松鸡。They're shooting grouse up on the moors.

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书中的家庭对射猎很感兴趣。The family in the book is passionate about hunting.

射猎活动源于人类最初的蛮荒时代。It originated in the beginning period of human beings.

一天的射猎中,他们捕获了一两只兔子。They notched up one or two rabbits in a day's shooting.

广泛阅读,射猎不同领域。特别是那些你并不赞同的东西。Read wildly different things. Especially stuff you disagree with.

第二天举行射猎大典,祭山神。Shooters ceremony to be held the next day, the Mountain Festival.

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游乐有垂钓、摸鱼戏水、斗鸡、射猎、地方戏表演等。There are fishing, fish swim, play cockfighting, hunting, local opera performances.

射猎以其丰富的文化内涵,多方面影响了华夏大地的社会文明。It has greatly influenced Chinese social civilization with its rich cultural connotations.

同样,群众也不能都有打猎的兴趣,由于很快就会没有动物可供射猎。Again, the masses cannot go in for hunting, for very soon there would be no animals left to hunt.

他们射猎水牛,鹿,麋鹿,兔子和许多其他的动物,并生活在这片大草原上。They hunted the buffalo, deer, elk, rabbits and many other animals which lived in the grasslands.

射猎活动中乐趣与危险并存,有的帝王为了狩猎还颁行了相关法律。Pleasure and peril coexisted in hunting. So some emperors issued relevant laws. Hunting was money-consuming.

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由于刻苦努力,他学得相当不错,而且得以在剑桥附近的乡村射猎、钓鱼以及收集各种昆虫。With hard work, he did quite well. And, in the countryside around Cambridge, he was able to shoot, fish and collect insects.

射猎是英国上层社会好客与运动相结合的最为独特的方式之一。Game shooting is one of the most exclusive experiences the UK has to offer, combining sport with high society and hospitality.

吴族源于东胡鲜卑系统,早期居住于辽西,起初是一个以射猎、游牧为生的部族。Wu Tung-Xianbei ethnic origin, early HabitatIn the western Liaoning Province, was initially a Shooters , living the nomadic tribes.

射猎活动常常穿插着茶点,在彼得爵士庄园射猎的客人自然会享受一顿由珍稀葡萄酒相伴的美好午餐。The shooting is interspersed with frequent refreshments and, this being Sir Peter's estate, a fine lunch is of course accompanied by exceptional wine.

过了一会儿,有太监过来说,田猎马上就要开始了,皇上要看诸位阿哥们射猎。Led in a short while, there is an eunuch coming over to say, farmland's hunting will start in a moment, the emperor wants to see everybody the elder brothers shoot to hunt.

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次日,达尔文起了个大早,正在维奇伍德庄园射猎雉鸡的时候,他得到传话说,他的乔塞亚伯伯要他即刻同回什鲁斯伯里。Darwin woke up early the next day and while out shooting pheasants on the Wedgwood estate he received word that his uncle Josiah wanted the two of them to return to Shrewsbury at once.

因联邦政府、州政府和地方政府在跳蚤瘟疫、休闲射猎和动物栖息地被破坏的方面管理失败,草原土拨鼠被列入十年内灭绝物种,它们的处境惨淡。Decades of determined eradication by federal, state, and local governments, wipeouts from flea-borne plague, recreational shooting, and habitat destruction have left prairie dogs a pale presence.