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不,它们是离散的,离散的。No, they are discrete. They are discrete.

其次,这是一些离散型数据。Secondly, that those values are discrete.

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离散与组合数学,刘涵初著,华泰书局。Elements of Discrete Mathematics, C. L. Liu.

戈泽尔算法是离散傅立叶变换的一种快速算法。Goertzel algorithm is a fast algorithm of DFT.

骨肉离散。The family were scattered in different places.

语言是离散的,事物是渐变的。Language is non-centered but things are changing.

这些妇女在她们的丈夫到来时便匆匆离散了。The women bundled off when their husbands arriver.

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采用广义离散付氏变换可以解决这个问题。This problem can be solved by using GFT technique.

因而对螺旋桨离散谱噪声进行预报控制至关重要。So it is important to predicate the discrete noise.

这样我们就介绍完了集中趋势和离散趋势So, that completes central tendency and dispersion.

利用伽辽金方法对动力学方程进行了离散。Galerkin's method is used to discrete the equations.

我还保存着大学里的离散数学课本。I still have my discrete math textbook from college.

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得到物体或波面在离散样点上的值。Be objects, or wavefront-like point in the discrete value.

不平衡输沙方程离散后直接迭代求解。Non-equilibrium sediment transport is applied in the model.

在中国,个人教育市场是高度离散的。The private education market is highly fragmented in China.

它是一个持续不断的模拟离散的Kronecker三角洲。It is a continuous analogue of the discrete Kronecker delta.

南海北部陆缘是离散型大陆边缘。The northern continental margin of the SCS is a divergent one.

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利用枚举法等离散优化方法,确定最优公路网规划方案。Through the enumeration method, the optimum plan can be found.

科学是一个连续统,但是要供人们研究而存在的科学总是离散的。Science being a continuum, has to be discrete for human research.

本文研究了三种连续群体系统和一种离散系统。Then we consider an double-integrator discrete time system model.