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此参数用于快速清除。Used for quick cleanup.

你也无法清除它们。You cannot sweep it up.

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跑道未清除,拉起复飞。Clear ice on the runway.

以便我们可以清除它们。So that we may clear them.

清除所有编辑器偏好设定键。Clears all editor prefs keys.

服务员清除桌上的面包屑。The waiter crumbed the table.

这将清除任何错误。This should clear any errors.

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地上的树已清除。The land was cleared of trees.

这些对象被清除和加入队列。These are cleared and enqueued.

清除所有编辑器偏好设定键。Clear all the editor prefs keys.

将出现“清除元数据”菜单。The Metadata Cleanup menu appears.

猫则能帮忙清除屋里的害虫。Cats can help rid the home of pests.

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清除掉像虫子一样的消极思想。Squash negative thoughts like a bug.

肿瘤向来以难以清除而臭名昭著。Tumors are notoriously hard to kill.

“只要保持清除,”她建议。"Just keep whittling, " she advises.

切换到清除元数据提示符。Switch to the metadata cleanup prompt.

那条路已被清除了障碍。The road was cleared from obstruction.

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勾消这个方块可清除地址。Uncheck the box to remove the address.

循环限定符不清除组定义。Looping quantifiers do not clear group.

创伤与苦恼,在安息中自然清除。Wounds and ftustration vaporise in rest.