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她有一辆微型汽车。She has a baby car.

谁需要微型空气净化器呢?。Who needs Novus Air Mini?

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他修理小汽车,小贷车和微型公交车。He repairs cars, vans and minibuses.

飞天宇航服就象一个微型宇航器。The Feitian is like a mini space ship.

因此,一个假设是就像一个微型的理论。So, a hypothesis is like a mini-theory.

我们有微型出租车,微型出租车的司机,Well, you have minicab, minicab drivers

一台微型录音机,一只金表。One small tape recorder. One gold watch.

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所有人说它们看起来就像微型鳄鱼。Some say they look like tiny alligators.

把这环节看作是微型案例讨论。Think of this as a mini-case discussion.

平和就宛如一个微型的国际村。Here is just like a little global village.

研制了一种微型橡胶同步带。A mini synchronous belt has been developed.

保险盒,玩具钟,微型风扇,记时器。Safe boxes, fancy clock, mini fans, timers.

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该多频段微型收发器也有最低的功率要求。The MMT also has minimal power requirements.

微型电网技术也最大限度地减少停电。The Micro-Grid also minimizes power outages.

这常被称为微型博客。This is often referred to as micro-blogging.

创建与大图片链接的微型图片。Create thumbnails that link to the larger image.

这些微型马达能以每分钟10万转的转速运行。These microscopic motors can run at 100,000 rpm.

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帕拉多星上发现微型战士殖民地。The Micromaster colony on Paradron is discovered.

我们不需要任何网络连接到安装微型和小型企业。We do not need any net connection to install MSE.

微型贷款的成效是如何影响妇女的呢?How has the success of microcredit affected women?