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希望有识之士前来详细洽谈!Detailed i ight hope to negotiate!

欢迎广大用户惠顾洽谈业务。Users are welcome to patronize us.

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欢迎新老客户来样洽谈。New &old customer design is welcome.

欢迎诚信客商来人来电洽谈。Sincere welcome customers for palaver.

各种洽谈桌椅、资料架等。Vatiour Tables, Chairs and Cabinet, etc.

欢迎来我司洽谈合作。Welcome to Tannu company for cooperation.

你拍过很多照片。你跟一个经纪人洽谈。And you take photos. You talk to an agent.

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斯阳珠饰欢迎您与我们洽谈。Siyan Pearl Ornament welcome to negotiate.

欢迎海内外客商来电来函洽谈业务联系。Welcome to contact us by calling or letter.

欢迎广大商友来电咨询。洽谈!Welcome to the Friends of inquire. negotiate!

欢迎新老客户来电来函洽谈合作事宜。Welcome to talk about the cooperation with us.

欢迎广大客户垂询或亲临我公司参观指导、业务洽谈!Welcome to visit or in person at our direction!

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双方就装运港问题进行了洽谈。Both sides hold a discussion on the loading port.

欢迎果商前来洽谈,价格面议。Fruit are welcome to negotiate, price negotiable.

协会热忱欢迎各界人士前来联系与洽谈合作!You are welcome to visit and cooperate with CIRA!

欢迎广大客户来电来邮洽谈业务!Customers are welcome to mail to discuss business!

欢迎前来洽谈共谋发展!Welcome comes to discuss conspires the development!

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欢迎来电来函洽谈,我们很高兴为您服务。Welcome to contact us, we are pleased to serve you.

欢迎广大新老用户来人来电洽谈业务。Welcome old and new customers to negotiate business.

欢迎有需要者联电洽谈业务。Welcome to those who need UMC business negotiations.