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我们被吓个半死!You scared us half to death!

感谢他们把自己吓个半死?For scaring him half to death?

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看你,突然在黑暗中出现,把我哧得半死!What a scare you gave me , appearing suddenly in the dark!

我昨天晚上刚看了一个恐怖片.把我吓个半死.Well, I just saw a horror movie last night. It almost frightened me to death.

看不见的朋友,不能和他们共聚欢乐,这等于处在半死状态。Invisible friend, can't and their copolymerization of joy, it is a state of half to death.

你可以浏览你的半死目录或者你的半死目录,并指定该文件。Just browse to your half-life or counterstrike directory, and point it to the original hl. exe.

父亲是情绪好的时嗷嗷大叫,吓的半死时哈哈大笑的人。A father is a thing that growls when it feels good and laughs loud when it is scared half to death.

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“哇塞,先生,”其中一人喘了口气说,“你把我们吓得半死啊,我们还以为遇上鬼了呢!"Holy cow, Mister," one of them said after catching his breath, "You scared us half to death -- we thought you were a ghost!

是…他上次在我的节目里几乎把我搞个半死…看来他还在外面到处说我的坏话。He came to the radio and then half-killed me in my broadcast too, he also seems to say bad things about me here and out there.

本文介绍了半死端超滤膜技术的典型设备和运行工艺及其优化。This paper introduced the typical equipment and their running process and their optimizing of low energy consumption ultrafilter membrane.

此时,人们不但不肯伸出援手,反而希望专诸能把他给打个半死呢。So right now, not only did the people around refuse to reach out a helping hand but they also wished Zhuan Zhu could have beaten the hell out of him.

一看见这个半死半活的人,马上关切地走了上来,扶起他,从自己的瓶中倒了口水给他,看着他恢复了几分力气。Seeing the half-conscious individual, he approached him with compassion, raised him up, gave him a refreshing drink from his flask, and waited until he regained his strength.