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一把生锈的钥匙打开了那扇暗门!A Rusty Key Opens a Hidden Door!

他是从一个暗门逃走的。He escaped through a secret door.

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地牢里一定会有暗门之类的东西。There must be some like trapdoor or something.

他很快退身出来,关上了暗门。He came out quickly and closed the secret door.

莉莎爬过暗门的时候说。Lisa said, after crawling through the trapdoor.

他注意到了那个带有暗门的老式橱柜。His eyes fall on the old cabinet with the secret door.

早先中世纪地牢的石头地面下都有暗门。Old medieval dungeons had trapdoors laid underneath stones.

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墙上有一个暗门是这座城堡的出口。There is a way out of the castle by a secret door in the wall.

她打开最后一个柜子,看到里面一个暗门,微开着。She opens the final cabinet and sees a false back, slightly ajar.

他又雇人把那巷子两头的两扇暗门修理好。He had had the secret openings of the two doors to this passage repaired.

我们走进屋里,只见帘子挂在墙上,其中一个已卷好,露出一个暗门,通向另一间小屋子。One of the curtains was tied back to reveal a secret door into another small room.

这个场景的最后版本是观众可以清楚地看到汉密尔顿通过暗门离开了。In the final version of this scene Hamilton is clearly visible making her exit through a trap door.

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可能他们不知道,在路之尽头的墙壁上有一道暗门,其后掩藏着无价珍宝。Unbeknownst to them, though, the wall at the end contains a hidden door, behind which lies a treasure trove.

当他们都睡着了,我和西农打开了木马的一个暗门把我们的士兵们放了出来。When they were all asleep, Sinon and I opened a secret door in the wooden horse to allow our soldiers to get out.

莱昂内尔早就进到了里面,而茱莉亚则慢慢地爬进暗门,把石头移回了原位。“Lisa, get in!” Lionel had already fell in and Julia climbed in slowly, replacing the stone in its original place.

这种猜想在几个月前才被打破,人们在大金字塔一个暗门后边发现了象形文字。This supposition was shattered when hieroglyphs were found behind a secret door in the Great Pyramid a few months ago.

他走近橱柜,小心地打开了暗门,发现了那几把属于Nick父亲的枪。He approaches the cabinet and carefully opens the door, revealing a small collection of guns belonging to Nick’s father.

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我还记得,祖父从他的口袋中拿出钥匙,打开大钟上的暗门。I remember watching as my grand-father took the key from his pocket and opened the hidden door in the massive old clock.

虫尾巴迟疑了片刻,似乎还想争辩一番,但他还是转过身,从另一道暗门出去了。Wormtail hesitated for a moment, looking as though he might argue, but then turned and headed through a second hidden door.

然后,如很难找到本拉登的话,Cairo将被放进房子里搜寻假墙和暗门。Then if bin Laden was proving difficult to find Cairo could be sent into the house to search for false walls or hidden doors.