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这就是解放生态学。This is liberation ecology.

描述性的生态学是干燥无味的课题。Descriptive ecology is a dry subject.

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陈博士是生态学上首屈一指的科学家。Dr. Chen is a leading scientist in ecology.

在生态学方面,是保罗。霍肯和茱莉。博特福莱。希尔。Paul Hawken and Julia Butterfly Hill, on the ecology side.

凡此所言,可视为植物生态学。All this is plainly put it, can be regarded as plant ecology.

但是对于类芦的生理生态学特性研究并不多见。But there is a lack of ecophysiology characteristic research.

生态学通过提供成长机会得到营养。Ecologies are nurtured by providing opportunities for growth.

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许多学生认为描述性的生态学是干燥无味的课题。Many students think that descriptive ecology is a dry subject.

本。阿格尔是“生态学马克思主义”的典型代表人物。Bon. Agger is typical representative character of "Eco-Marxism".

在分类学和生态学上,这些生物多种多样。The taxonomic and ecological diversity of these organisms is large.

退化生态系统在恢复过程中首先要遵循生态学原理。Ecological theory is the first-line in restoring degraded ecosystem.

生态学是一门与环境密切相关的学科。Ecology is a subject that is closely connected with the environment.

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本文对大亚湾海域放射生态学进行了有益的探索。The paper conducts an exploratory study on radioecology at Daya Bay.

高玮编著。中国隼形目鸟类生态学。科学出版社.2002。Gao Wei Editor. Ecology of Falcon Order in China. Science Press. 2002.

站在深刻的生态学角度,世界现在被看作是一个整体。In the profounder ecological sense, the world is now known as a unity.

所谓生态学的对策往往要在特殊环境下进行。So-called ecological countermeasures often work in specific situation.

慢跑者在生态学和地质学之间进行了切析类比。The jogger made an analytical analogy between the ecology and geology.

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1965年,古德尔获得剑桥大学生态学博士学位。In 1965, Goodall earned her PhD in Ethology22 from Cambridge University.

他的建筑生态学或生态建筑能够最好地从无到有地建造。His architectural ecologies or arcologies can be built best from scratch.

生态学对于解开这些复杂性至关重要。The discipline of ecology is essential for untangling these complexities.