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现在他在闭会。At the moment, he's busy.

我可以替我有病的兄弟去闭会。I can't go, she'll go instead of me.

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我们定个时候闭会吧。Let's appoint a time for the meeting.

会议在混乱中闭会。The conference adjourned in confusion.

国会在闭会期间。Parliamentis prorogue for the summer recess.

由于没有别的事了,我宣布闭会。As there was no further business, I declared the meeting closed.

你能通知我我们明天下午将在哪儿闭会吗?Could you tell me where we will have the meeting this afternoon?

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由于没有别的事了,我宣布闭会。There being no further business , I declared the meeting closed.

周六早上训练,然后闭会和更多采访,然后是3分大赛。我希望雷阿伦和保罗皮尔斯能并列第一。We got an early practice in the am, then a meeting, more interviews and then the 3pt contest.

卵圆孔未闭会导致心脏上部腔体,即左心房和右心房之间存在一条通道连接。O. is a tunnel that connects the upper chambers of the heart — the right atrium and the left atrium.

卵圆孔未闭会增加卒中和偏头痛的发病危险,其原理尚不清楚。Patent foramen ovale might increase your risk of stroke and migraines, but the evidence isn't clear.

他们还会在赴任的第一天、每个赛季之前、每场逐鹿之前找闭会。They'll also come to you requesting a meeting on your first day in the job pre-season and pre-match.

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积极探索党的代表大会闭会期间发挥代表作用的途径和形式。We should explore ways to give play to the role of delegates when Party congresses are not in session.

南西和人力资源部主管召闭会议,商讨徵人以填补该职缺。Nancy held a gviahering with the human resources director to discuss filling the vair conditionersancy.

卵圆孔未闭会导致心脏上部腔体,即左心房和右心房之间存在一条通道连接。A P.F.O. is a tunnel that connects the upper chambers of the heart — the right atrium and the left atrium.

非常感谢各位全神贯注地聆听。闭会之后请与我们一同参加招待会。Thank you for your undivided attention. Please do join us for the reception. Which follows this closing session.

他原来在地津闭会,会议一停止,他便下南京往度真了,今天才立飞机归来。He had flown yesterday from Beijing where he spent his vocation after finishing the meeting he had taken part in Tianjin.

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今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划闭会讨论一下。I would like to hold a meeting in the immedidined only afternoon dealing with our development planning for the project A.

此法的高级阶段为同声传译。我们可能在听播送,看电视或闭会时,把所到听形式笔译为英文或是中文。We can try to interpret what we hear into English or Chinese when we listen to the rcraigslist adio. watch TV. or have a meeting.

在全国人民代表大会闭会期间,各专门委员会受全国人民代表大会常务委员会的领导。These special committees work under the direction of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress when the Congress is not in session.