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一把餐刀都可能是个致人死命武器。A knife can be a deadly weapon.

高血压是致人死命的。High blood pressure is a killer.

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也许那是一个致人死命的轮子。That is probably quite a deadly wheel.

苟金石等人在后死命追赶。If the stone and others after being pursued.

温室里的花卉没有会有强除夜的死命力。Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality.

这个物种的雌性比雄性更能致人死命。The female of the species is more deadly than the male.

马宏怒火中烧的要对怀亚特下手,赛尔夫死命拉住了他。Mahone is furious at Wyatt, and Self must hold him back.

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在潜艇战中,空军的致敌于死命的威力还没有发挥出来。The lethal power of the air inU-boat warfare was yettocome.

在潜艇战中,空军的致敌于死命的威力还没有发挥出来。The lethal power of the air in u-boat warfare was yet to come.

只要针头大小的药量,蓖麻毒素就可以致人死命。Ricin can cause death from exposure to as little as a pinhead amount.

但这一病毒可以致命,而且确实在较年轻年龄组致人死命。But this virus can kill and does so in a comparatively young age group.

我厌倦凉建无聊的语法规则战出有死命的单词。I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless word.

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哪怕这里只有死命,也要从死亡中寻找,生的意义。Only Siming even here, but also from the dead to find, health significance.

1948年致人死命的烟雾使一半居民得病,有17人死亡。In 1948, a killer smog made half of the population sick, there were 17 deaths.

稍微的电击对人体无碍,但强电击却可以致人死命。Mild electric shock to human body, but continued strong shock can death-dealing.

“只要我准知道可以致他死命,”她打断我说,“我就立刻杀死我自己!If I were only sure it would kill him,' she interrupted, `I'd kill myself directly!

布什旺盛,分枝多,根系最耐蜜,致人死命有些干燥。Bush vigorous, much branching, roots most resistant to Armillaria , tolerates some dryness.

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纵使宇宙毁灭了人,人却仍然要比致他于死命的东西更高贵得多。If the universe were to crush him, man would still be more noble than that which killed him.

我想可能不知道吧。他们不顾一切,死命地想在哈德森老师的课上拿到好成绩。这是一个方法。I'm afraid not. They're desperate to get a good grade in Mr. Hudson's class. This is one way.

鸟儿飞近时,她死命将它抓祝她十分高兴,终于又把它捉了回来。As he flew close, she grasped him wildly. Her heart felt glad at her success in capturing him.