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他们心细,热爱他们的职业。They are circumspect , and they love this career.

属薄珠心,胚囊形成时珠心细胞全部消失。All nucellar cells disappear, when an embryo sac is ripe.

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他看起来很粗心,其实心细如发。He looks very careless, but actually he pays close attention to detail.

他用指尖推着,轻轻地、缓缓地、正象一只胆怯心细、想要进门的猫。He pushed it gently with the tip of his finger, lightly, with the furtive.

心细的文老师发现了异样,提出要与马跃单独谈谈。The information the teacher found strange, even offered to talk to jump alone.

虽然他为人严肃,但待我却是心细如尘,能完全满足我生活所需。Although he is a quite serious guy, he takes care of all my needs in daily life.

认为由花粉管的流出物能使珠心细胞活化。Activation of nucellar cells by discharge from the pollen tubes has been claimed.

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胆小鬼往往自称心细,吝啬鬼往往自称节省。The sheep always say they are careful, the cheapskate always say they are scanty.

珠孔区域有伸长的珠心细胞。There are several nucellar cells in micropylar region that develop into embellum.

有技术的宰杀是一个胆大、心细,准确的使用刀的工作。Skilled butchery is a mixture of big, bold movements and detailed, precise knife-work.

这孩子心细,将来管家一定比我要强。This kid's center is thin, domestic in the future definitely have to be mighty than me.

心细如发用来形容女生贴切至极,尤其在考试中。Xinxi girls such as the aptly used to describe the extreme, particularly in the examination.

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操作者在操作时一定要心细,前后要光顾,不要使这不良发生。The operator during operation must talk before and after, and don't make it bad visit occurred.

成熟胚囊期,合点端部分珠心细胞特化为承珠盘。At the mature embryo sac stage, some nucellar cells at the chalazal region differentiated into hypostase.

体贴心细的女主人将草莓油酥糕从桌上拿走,这样那些担心体重的客人就不会因看到却吃不着而难受了。The considerate hostess removed the strawberry shortcake from the table so as not to tantalize her weight-conscious guest.

九妹心细,又在魔宫里发现了冰晶石,大家便带着冰晶石一起逃了出去。Nine younger sister but cautious and cryolite were found in the palace, everybody then together with cryolite flee the scene.

即使她找到一个心细得足够处理自己病情的伴侣,他们的关系也会在他买了摩托车后顿变紧张。Even when she did find a guy sensitive enough to deal with her past, their relationship got rocky when he bought a motorcycle.

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山核桃胚来源于珠心细胞,属于无融合生殖中不定胚生殖范畴。The embryo in hickory origined from nucellar cells and it belonged to adventitious embryony reproduction one type of apomixis.

喜欢,出口也没有爱那么难,面对那么一点点的距离,只要那么一点点的心细,那么一点点的胆量,那么一点点的勇气,就可敞开心扉说出我喜欢。Like, when you speak out, is not so hard as that of love. It needs only a little distance, caution and courage to say I like you.

嫁给会说甜言蜜语的男人,你的心情会格外舒畅,这种男人聪明心细,善于发现女人的美。Marry will say sweet words of man, your mood will be especially relaxed, this man clever talk, good at finding the beauty of a woman.