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最旁边的在玩极品飞车?Do your best, you are the best.

可能是飞车抢夺。May be an aerodyne to scramble.

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不用麻烦,咱蜗牛速度赛过极品飞车。Don't worry. It's a racing snail.

邢台市虹飞车业有限公司。XingTai City HongFei Bicycle Industry Co.

十几岁的年轻人喜欢在我们的街道上开飞车。Teenagers like to hot-rod down our street.

极品飞车,这是个很好玩儿的电脑游戏。"The rush" is a very interesting computer game.

我听说里面有很多疯狂的飞车追逐场面。I heard there's a lot of crazy car chasing scenes.

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两个十几岁的少年在比赛飞车时受了伤。Two teens were injured playing chicken in their cars.

一提到主题乐园,你马上想到的云霄飞车。THINK of theme parks and you think of roller coasters.

我打卡下班,飞车穿过凋零的小镇往家赶。I clock out, race home through our wincing little town.

忘掉那些牢骚和抱怨,去坐趟云霄飞车。Drop your list of grievances and go ride a roller coaster.

云霄飞车是游乐园上最受欢迎、最惊险刺激的乘坐设施之一。The Roller Coaster is one of the most popular thrill rides.

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两个十几岁的少年在竞赛飞车时受了伤。Two teens were injured plthere ating chicken in their cars.

凯飞车队的刘英杰因偷跑而被罚时30秒。David Lau was given 30 seconds penalty due to the jump start.

妇女格外谨慎,责任心也强,不会像狂人一样开飞车。They are too conscientious and responsible to drive like manias.

你有时是否感觉像坐在情绪的云霄飞车上?Do you sometimes think you're riding an emotional* roller coaster?

她甚至还在闪闪发光的飞车上唱了两首民谣。She even performed two ballads from an illuminated flying chariot.

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飞车袭击似乎成为武装分子的一个新战术。The drive-by attack appeared to be a new tactic for the militants.

云霄飞车启动时,汤米把眼睛紧紧闭上。As the rolle coaster started to move, Tommy squeezed his eyes shut.

一直梦想的品尝制造飞车自童年。Laughton has been dreaming of creating a flying car since childhood.