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全天参观寒泉小学。Day at Cold Spring School.

我在五一小学上学。I go to Wuyi Primary School.

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我在新道街小学上学。I'm in Class ten Grade four.

我在长沙路小学上学。I go to Changsha Road School.

我在盘龙小学三年级一班。I'm in Class One, Grade Three.

我在万泉小学。I'm in Wanquan Primary School.

我的小孩都在念小学。My kids are in primary school.

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我上的是英豪小学。I go to Yinghao Primary School.

就是从小学的。just learned from a little kid.

她是一名小学老师。She is a primary school teacher.

我上的是春城小学。I go to Chuncheng Primary School.

你好,这里是盐道街小学。Hello! This is YDJ Primary School.

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我在北京小学学习。I study in Beijing Primary School.

我是一名义庄小学的学生。I am a cemetery in primary schools.

我在梅岭小学上学。I study at Mei Ling Primary School.

我是光明小学的一名学生。I'm from Guang Ming primary school.

凤凰县官庄乡溪口梁继焜小学辖总人口4700人。The town has a population of 4,700.

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唐家桥思谕小学辖总人口6500人。The town has a population of 6,500.

他捐赠一块地皮盖一座希望小学。He donated a site for a Hope School.

我在新道街小学上学。I study in Xindaojie Primary school.