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他一天能走50公里,脚力真好。He's really got strong legs to be able to walk 50 kilometres a day.

如果你不抬轿,你连偶尔的脚力钱也没戏了。Sedan Chair If you do not, you are even occasionally the money gone.

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当然,如果脚力不够,可以单车助力。Of course, if walking is not enough, then a bicycle can help you out.

这头驴平时帮他们种地拉磨,赶集时还要作脚力。The donkey helped them pull the field plow during sowing season and carry them to the market.

没有眼界,你就像空有一副好脚力的马或者牛,只能别其他人驱使。Without them you are just so much power "on the hoof, " to be driven as a horse or an ox is driven.

井川的跨步很大,也有足够的脚力,但还没有大到足以克服跨步过长的问题。This lefty has the long stride, and the leg drive, but not enough to overcome just how long that stride is.

如果遇上心善的坐轿机构或大户,还会赚俩脚力钱,如果碰上蛇蝎心肠的坐轿机构或大户,弄不好反咬你一口,连本都搭上。The case of heart good institutions or large, will make two money, if the snake hit the heart or major , fix a you even have to catch this.

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“黑狗”尽管受了伤,一旦他跑到了路上,却显示出令人叫绝的脚力来,不到半分钟就消失在小丘边上。Once out upon the road, Black Dog, in spite of his wound, showed a wonderful clean pair of heels and disappeared over the edge of the hill in half a minute.

目前,关于霸王龙行进的速度问题尚没有一个确切的答案,但是,Persons却坚信,霸王龙的脚力在其生态体系中是首屈一指的。It's unclear at present what T. rex's exact sprinting speed was, but Persons believes this fleet footed dinosaur could run down all other animals in its ecosystem.

待到年长,当他们刚刚意识到有足够脚力的时候,也就给自己负上了一笔沉重的宿债,焦渴地企盼着对诗境实地的踏访。When the elderly, when they just realize that there is sufficient time food, it is held to their places a heavy debt, parched and looking forward to the field of on food Poetry.

你可以跑向任何方向,想快就快,想慢就慢,如果你喜欢还可以跟风对抗,完全靠自己脚力和肺的勇气寻找新的风景。You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs.

截至记者发稿时,据说利奥波德国王正计划聚集一个加强营的兵力——由1200名脚力强健的士兵组成,其中包括50只体型硕大而又凶猛无比的御林侍卫蟑螂,准备搜寻出臭虫老巢的确切位置。At press time, King Leopold was reportedly planning to amass a battalion of 1, 200 hardy foot soldiers, including 50 mighty water bugs, to seek out the location of the bedbug stronghold.

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推导了四足步行机器人的动力学模型,在此基础上利用平方规划方法研究开发四足步行机器人脚力分配的新算法。The dynamic model for quadruped robots was derived. On the basis of the derivation, the new algorithm for force distribution of quadruped robots was established by quadratic programming.